

Postby Otto » Wed May 31, 2023 8:43 am

Hello friends,
We have released a new program called "prompt-editor."

It is a simple editor that stores standard prompts for ChatGPT, making it easier to edit the questions.

Now, we need to update the DBF file that contains the standard questions over the internet.

What is the simplest way to do this?

Best regards,

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Re: prompt-editor

Postby karinha » Wed May 31, 2023 11:46 am

Now, we need to update the DBF file that contains the standard questions over the internet.

Ahora, necesitamos actualizar el archivo DBF que contiene las preguntas estándar a través de Internet.

Master Otto, explain better.

Maestro Otto, explíquese mejor.


Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: prompt-editor

Postby Otto » Wed May 31, 2023 12:49 pm

Hello Joao,

It is a simple program. Standard tasks are stored in the DBF file, as you can see in the second screenshot.

The quality of the prompt is important for the results provided by ChatGPT.

We offer a service where we store standard questions, such as a list of allergens according to Austrian regulations or many others.

We would like to distribute the updates over the internet. I also need a solution for the executable file.



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Re: prompt-editor

Postby Otto » Wed May 31, 2023 12:55 pm

... BTW, this is the answer to the shown question:

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Sure, here are the posts from May 31, 2023, that I found on the FiveTech forum:

"prompt-editor" by Otto. Last post at 12:49 PM.
"hb_CDPSELECT() crash ?" by Jimmy. Last post at 12:32 PM.
"CLASS modification" by Otto. Last post at 7:09 AM.
"Problem with xBrowse" by Armando. Last post at 4:23 AM.
"Fastreport de Cristobal" by mgsoft. Last post at 12:06 PM.
"Como evitar warnings" by JoseAlvarez. Last post at 12:02 PM.
"HBSSL CON FUNCIONES DE DIEGO FAZIO INCLUIDAS" by rterraz. Last post at 7:23 AM​1​​2​.
As for the xBase forum, I've checked several sub-forums but did not find any posts from May 31, 2023. It seems the forum isn't as active as the FiveTech one, or it could be due to the time difference and posts might appear later in the day. It would be a good idea to check the forum again later in the day.

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Re: prompt-editor

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Wed May 31, 2023 3:53 pm

Fastreport de Cristobal ???????
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
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Re: prompt-editor

Postby Otto » Wed May 31, 2023 9:41 pm

Hello friends,
I start testing with these functions:

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function jsonerzeugen()

    LOCAL cDbf :="INIfiles.dbf"
    LOCAL aData := {}
   LOCAL cJson, nHandle
   USE (cDbf) ALIAS MyTable NEW


      AADD(aData, GetRecordData())


   cJson := hb_jsonEncode(aData)
   ? cJson

   nHandle := FCreate("output.json", 0)
   FWrite(nHandle, cJson, LEN(cJson))

And to read the json fill from the web:

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  #include ""

    function Main()

       local cURL := "https://w...1/output.json"
       local cDownload := ""
         local h
       cDownload := WebPageContents( cURL )
        hb_JsonDecode( StrTran( cDownload, "=>", ":" ), @h )
        xbrowse( h )

    return nil

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