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strange on Folderex

PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 8:20 am
by Silvio.Falconi
I have a control tget into tab 1 of a folderex

@ nRow,70 GET aGet[20] VAR cnBanca SIZE 60,20 PIXEL OF oFolder:aDialogs[1]

and it make this


The dimensions of the tget when it comes to height are disproportionate

is it a bug?

I'm using this folder

@ nRow+10, 2 FOLDEREX oFolder OF oDlgEdit PIXEL SIZE oDlgEdit:nwidth-2, 180;
PROMPTS aMenuFolder;
COLOR DLG_nColorBar2
oFolder:lTransparent := .T.
oFolder:nFolderHeight := 25
oFolder:nSeparator := 5

because I need to colorize the background of tab