How to convert VB "set" function to Fivewin
VB sample code
'Declare a Ribbon Bar object
Dim RibbonBar As RibbonBar
'Add a Ribbon Bar to the command bars
Set RibbonBar = CommandBars.AddRibbonBar("Ribbon Bar")
'Specify the Ribbon Bar is to use the stretched docking style. The Ribbon Bar
'can only be docked to the top or bottom of an application
RibbonBar.EnableDocking xtpFlagStretched
Dim ControlFile As CommandBarPopup
'Add a normal popup to the Ribbon Bar.
Set ControlFile = RibbonBar.Controls.Add(xtpControlPopup, -1, "&File", 1)
'Add commands to the popup
With ControlFile.CommandBar.Controls
.Add xtpControlButton, ID_FILE_NEW, "&New"
.Add xtpControlButton, ID_FILE_OPEN, "&Open..."
Set Control = .Add(xtpControlButton, ID_APP_EXIT, "E&xit")
Control.BeginGroup = True
End With
could anyone help me convert the following code to fivewin
1. Set RibbonBar = CommandBars.AddRibbonBar("Ribbon Bar")
2. Set ControlFile = RibbonBar.Controls.Add(xtpControlPopup, -1, "&File", 1)
Thanks !!!