MarcoBoschi wrote:James,
I've tested a program with
to disable twbrowse.
Then I move on the desktop another little window of another application.
It seems that repaint of dialog with obrow inside is active.
It is very very slow
MarcoBoschi wrote:James,
You hit the problem.
Sorry, but you didn't report any concrete problem so far. Can we see a reduced and self-contained sample still showing it?
// Test disabled TWBrowse for painting while disabled.
// Use with FWH\samples\customer.dbf file
#include ""
function main()
local oWnd, oLbx, oBar
use customer
define window oWnd title "Test Browse"
define buttonbar oBar of oWnd
define button of oBar action oLbx:disable()
define button of oBar action oLbx:enable()
define button of oBar action writeFile("test02.log","-----------")
define button of oBar action LOCKWINDOWUPDATE( oLbx:hWnd )
define button of oBar action LOCKWINDOWUPDATE()
@0,0 listbox oLbx fields first, last;
alias "customer";
of oWnd
oLbx:bSkip:= {|nRecs| (msgBeep(),sleep(.1),sysrefresh(),customer->(dbskipper( nRecs)) ) }
// oLbx:bSkip:= {|nRecs| (logfile("test02.log",{trim(str(recno()))}),customer->(dbskipper( nRecs)) ) }
oWnd:oClient:= oLbx
activate window oWnd //on init oLbx:disable()
return nil
James Bott wrote:The problem is the slow repainting. The reduced and self-contained example is below.
MarcoBoschi wrote:29 skipped records Vs only 8 rowse on the screen
is it normal?
MarcoBoschi wrote:Enrico,
let's start from beginning
Compile and run this little sample program.
drag another little window over the window of this program
You have to note that refresh or repaint ( you understand me ) is slow
Is much slower if you work online and with a larger table or with more table with relationship between them.
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