try testchk2.prg
If You click on checkbox to select it, caption disappears.
Antonio Linares wrote:Taavi,
Could you provide a small example to reproduce it ?
Thanks for your feedback
Antonio Linares wrote:Taavi,
Could you provide a small example to reproduce it ?
Thanks for your feedback
Antonio Linares wrote:Are you using XP ?
Antonio Linares wrote:Taavi,
Are you using XP ?
On Windows 7 is fine, thanks
Antonio Linares wrote:Taavi,
I have just tested it on XP emulated on VirtualBox and works fine:
Could you please post a screenshot ? thanks
@ 8, 10 SAY oSay3 PROMPT "Transp. Say" OF oWndDlg SIZE 100, 20 FONT oFont4 PIXEL
oSay3:SetColor( nTColor, )
oSay3:lTransparent := .T.
@ 25, 8 RADIO oRadio3 VAR nRadio3 OF oWndDlg PIXEL ;
ITEMS "Option &1", "Option &2" _3D SIZE 50, 12 COLOR nTColor ;
HELPID 100, 101 ;
oRadio3:SetFont( oFont4 )
AEval( oRadio3:aItems, { | oRad | oRad:lTransparent := .T. } )
@ 55, 12 CHECKBOX oCheck3 VAR lCheck3 COLOR nTColor PIXEL ;
PROMPT "&ClickMe" OF oWndDlg SIZE 50, 15 ;
ON CHANGE oCheck3:SetText( "New Text" )
oCheck3:lTransparent := .T.
oCheck3:SetFont( oFont4 )
ukoenig wrote:Hello,
I found the Reason of not working Textcolor for Radios and Checkboxes ( allways black ),
I deleted as a Test from resource :
#ifdef __FLAT__
1 24 "WindowsXP.Manifest"
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