tutor01.prg(22) Warning W0002 Overloaded #define HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED
tutor01.prg(72) Warning W0001 Ambiguous reference: 'CRLF'
tutor01.prg(163) Warning W0033 Variable 'ARDATA' is never assigned in function 'SQL_INIT(157)'
tutor01.prg(292) Warning W0032 Variable 'CTABLENAME' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_CREATE(188)'
tutor01.prg(292) Warning W0032 Variable 'CSERVER' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_CREATE(190)'
tutor01.prg(292) Warning W0032 Variable 'CUSERNAME' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_CREATE(191)'
tutor01.prg(292) Warning W0032 Variable 'CPASSWORD' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_CREATE(192)'
tutor01.prg(292) Warning W0032 Variable 'CSQL' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_CREATE(253)'
tutor01.prg(292) Warning W0032 Variable 'CSQL' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_CREATE(265)'
tutor01.prg(292) Warning W0032 Variable 'CSQL' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_CREATE(277)'
tutor01.prg(396) Warning W0003 Variable: 'CSCHEMA' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_CREATEFIELDS(296)'
tutor01.prg(396) Warning W0003 Variable: 'CSEQUENCEFIELD' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_CREATEFIELDS(296)'
tutor01.prg(494) Warning W0003 Variable: 'OERROR' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_OPEN(399)'
tutor01.prg(494) Warning W0003 Variable: 'ORECORDSET' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_OPEN(400)'
tutor01.prg(511) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_CLOSE(496)'
tutor01.prg(654) Warning W0032 Variable 'CSQL' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_GOBOTTOM(637)'
tutor01.prg(654) Warning W0032 Variable 'CSQL' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_GOBOTTOM(641)'
tutor01.prg(684) Warning W0003 Variable: 'NRECORDS' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_SKIPRAW(654)'
tutor01.prg(684) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_SKIPRAW(656)'
tutor01.prg(701) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_EOF(694)'
tutor01.prg(719) Warning W0003 Variable: 'LDELETED' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_DELETED(701)'
tutor01.prg(719) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_DELETED(703)'
tutor01.prg(728) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_DELETE(721)'
tutor01.prg(814) Warning W0032 Variable 'CRDDSEP' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_PUTVALUE(780)'
tutor01.prg(814) Warning W0032 Variable 'LAPP' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_PUTVALUE(781)'
tutor01.prg(814) Warning W0032 Variable 'CSQL' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_PUTVALUE(782)'
tutor01.prg(882) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_ORDINFO(869)'
tutor01.prg(905) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_RAWLOCK(898)'
tutor01.prg(915) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_LOCK(907)'
tutor01.prg(923) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_UNLOCK(917)'
tutor01.prg(930) Warning W0003 Variable: 'AFILTERINFO' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_SETFILTER(923)'
tutor01.prg(930) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_SETFILTER(925)'
tutor01.prg(936) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_CLEARFILTER(932)'
tutor01.prg(983) Warning W0003 Variable: 'LCONTINUE' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_LOCATE(972)'
tutor01.prg(983) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_LOCATE(974)'
tutor01.prg(1042) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_SETREL(1026)'
tutor01.prg(1042) Warning W0032 Variable 'CKEYNAME' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_SETREL(1029)'
tutor01.prg(1059) Warning W0003 Variable: 'AORDERINFO' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_ORDLSTADD(1042)'
tutor01.prg(1059) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_ORDLSTADD(1044)'
tutor01.prg(1076) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_ORDLSTCLEAR(1061)'
tutor01.prg(1119) Warning W0003 Variable: 'AORDERCREATEINFO' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_ORDCREATE(1076)'
tutor01.prg(1119) Warning W0003 Variable: 'OINDEX' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_ORDCREATE(1079)'
tutor01.prg(1119) Warning W0003 Variable: 'OERROR' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_ORDCREATE(1079)'
tutor01.prg(1119) Warning W0003 Variable: 'N' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_ORDCREATE(1079)'
tutor01.prg(1119) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_ORDCREATE(1078)'
tutor01.prg(1119) Warning W0032 Variable 'LFOUND' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_ORDCREATE(1079)'
tutor01.prg(1140) Warning W0003 Variable: 'AORDERINFO' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_ORDDESTROY(1119)'
tutor01.prg(1140) Warning W0003 Variable: 'N' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_ORDDESTROY(1121)'
tutor01.prg(1140) Warning W0003 Variable: 'OINDEX' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_ORDDESTROY(1121)'
tutor01.prg(1140) Warning W0032 Variable 'AWADATA' is assigned but not used in function 'SQL_ORDDESTROY(1121)'
tutor01.prg(1191) Warning W0033 Variable 'CSUPERRDD' is never assigned in function 'SQLWIN_GETFUNCTABLE(1142)'
tutor01.prg(1492) Warning W0003 Variable: 'CTABLENAME' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_WRITERECORD(1383)'
tutor01.prg(1492) Warning W0003 Variable: 'TEMP' declared but not used in function: 'SQL_WRITERECORD(1384)'
ADutheil wrote:I did a few year ago but if I remember well, you have to download and install ODBC and Mediator server. Then you download Mediator client and link to your app. If I remember well there is a tool to upload your DBFs to mysql that creates the needed fields to fake a DBF on SQL (recno, deleted). I droped it because not all client accept to let you install the server part.
Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:Thank you! But please, set your warnings on!
Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:I try
- Code: Select all Expand view
but I get "Too many recursive error handler calls".
I don't have other engines to try...
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