Hi all
I need to access a Microsoft Access database situated on a Windows box. Whilst ultimately I need to get the data to a Linux box the Linux/Windows thing isn't an issue. I could possibly run ODBC from the Linux box directly, but I figure it would be easier to write a program that collects the data from the Access database running on the Windows box itself. So I would like some help as to what is the best method for doing this and some example code if possible. My preference at this stage would be to use ODBC rather than directly control Access.
I need to be able to query the Access database fairly extensively, but probably not update it (although flagging something as "processed" might be nice). The data is patient information together with details / results of medical scans including some images.
I do have to be careful that I don't in any way intefere with the operation of the medical application that I am planning to get the information from.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.