OK, so if I understand it correctly I need both the ASC32.DLL and the ACE32.LIB?
My entire test program has been narrowed down to this?
Code: Select all | Expand
function main()
request _ads
return nil
When the program is run it errors out with the PCODE error before it even gets to the msgInfo(). I am compiling this with xHarbour 0.99.3 (using the original binaries). I am not compiling any other PRGs. I am using the buildx.bat file.
There are three C modules in the RDDADS.LIB, ads1.c, adsfunc.c, and adsmgmnt.c. These C modules are those that came with the xHarbour contrib source. There were no PRGs. I compiled the C modules into OBJ's using Borland C and then put them all into the RDDADS.LIB.
I don't know C. When I look in ADS1.C it looks like hand coded C to me. When I look in both ADSFUNC.C and ADSMGMNT.C they look like they may have been compiled into C using Harbour or xHarbour since they contain a lot of "HB_FUNC" code. Is this maybe the problem, they were compiled into the C modules that I have, but the PRG's were not included? If so, does anyone know who wrote that code and/or where I could get the PRGs?