We have a user from Lithuania that complains he can't get Baltic characters to display properly
on our FWH app.
Since my Windows version is the Western one I have no way of doing more testing than the
following. Take this 4 chars: ÅČĖŽ
If I use MS Word's Insert Symbol dialog I see that Å can be entered as Alt+0197 and Ž as Alt+0142.
There's no Alt+ shortcut for ČĖ. So if I paste those for chars in a TGet object, it displays them
as: ÅCEŽ. It removes the accented portion for those 2 with no Alt+ shortcut.
It get's worst if I use CharMap.exe to attempt the same: ČĖ just become to question marks: Å??Ž
For this I made sure of using an OpenType font (i.e. those fonts listed by windows with a double-O)
because those support non-Western chars, like Baltic which is the one required here.
Here's how those chars look: http://members.shaw.ca/lkrausem/baltic.jpg
Any help on how to make them display correctly is greatly appreciated.
Luis Krause