I have problems to show bitmaps in a redefind combobox.
I tried like this:
I changed the testcomb.prg from the Fivewin samples.
- Code: Select all Expand view
REDEFINE COMBOBOX oCbx VAR cItem ITEMS { "Testing", "this", "ComboBox" } ;
ID 110 OF oDlg BITMAPS {"c:\FWH\bitmaps\attach.bmp","c:\FWH\bitmaps\addons32.bmp","c:\FWH\bitmaps\book.bmp"} ;
ON CHANGE ( oSayItem:cTitle := cItem,; // We should use also :SetText()
oSayAt:cTitle := ":nAt = " + Str( oCbx:nAt, 2 ) ) ;
VALID ( MsgBeep(), .t. )
Could someone please help me.
Thanks in advance