I'm busy, testing the Excel-VBA-Commands.
The Font-Objects are defined like :
oSheet:Cells:Range( "A1:C2" ):Font:Name := "Arial"
oSheet:Cells:Range( "A1:C2" ):Font:Size := 26
oSheet:Cells:Range( "A1:C2" ):Font:Bold := .T.
oSheet:Cells:Range( "A1:C2" ):Font:Italic := .T.
oSheet:Cells:Range( "A1:C2" ):Interior:Color := 16776960 // background light-blue
oSheet:Cells:Range( "A1:C2" ):Font:Color := 0 // Black
but I couldn't find something to define the Font-Width like :
oSheet:Cells:Range( "A1:C2" ):Font:Width := 25
< Font:Width > doesn't exist.
Is it possible, to define the Font-Width ?
otherwise I will delete the Font-Width-Slider.
Best Regards