There's a runtime error on xBrowse Line# 9179 with these condition:
line:9178 to 9179
- Code: Select all Expand view
if ::lBtnTransparent
::oBtnElip:SetColor( aColors[ 1 ],aColors[ 2 ] )
In my .prg
- Code: Select all Expand view
aRowGrad := { { .5, RGB( 232, 241, 252 ), RGB( 232, 241, 252 ) }, ;
{ .5, RGB( 210, 225, 244 ), RGB( 235, 243, 253 ) } }
aSelGrad := { { .5, RGB( 255, 255, 251 ), RGB( 255, 237, 178 ) }, ;
{ .5, RGB( 255, 218, 103 ), RGB( 255, 233, 162 ) } }
:bClrSel := { || {CLR_BLACK, CLR_YELLOW} }
:bClrSelFocus := { || { CLR_BLACK, aSelGrad } }
:bClrRowFocus := { || { CLR_BLACK, aRowGrad } }
:bClrHeader := {|| {CLR_BLACK, nRGB(196,225,255),nRGB( 125, 165, 224 ), nRGB( 203, 225, 252 )} }
:bClrFooter := :bClrHeader
:aCols[ 1 ]:lBtnTransparent := .T.
This error triggers if nMarqueStyle := MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROWRC and oCol:lBtnTransparent := .T.
BUG? or my faulty declarations
Any workaround?