I must insert oCol:bEditValue := aBrowse[ i, 1 ] instead of oCol:bStrData := aBrowse[ i, 1 ]
Glad it works.
This is just for information:
You first define all parameters in an array and then populate the codeblocks, headers, etc to columns of xbrowse.
This is very much simplified in the recent versions of xbrowse.
Define a multi-dimensional array in this format:
aCols := { ;
{ <uData1>, [<cHeader1>], [<cPicture1>], [<nWidth1>], [<lnJustify1>], [<cnSort1>] }, ;
{ <uDataN>, [<cHeaderN>], [<cPictureN>], [<nWidthN>], [<lnJustifyN>], [<cnSortN>] }}
Second element onwards are optional.
Simply write
@ 0,0 XBROWSE oBrw OF oWnd COLUMNS aCols DATASOURCE <uDataSource>
XBrowse autmatically assigns all the parameters to columns.