INDEX ON field->code + IIF( EMPTY( field->date ) ,"99999999" , DTOS( field->date ) ) TAG MYTAG TO mytable FOR !DELETED()
In a filtered tcbrowse
ordscope( 0 , cCode )
ordscope( 1 , cCode )
In order to obtain that when user want to append a new record
IF add_rec( )
REPLACE field->code WITH cCode
Stabilizza( oBrw )
this new record does not skip at the top. It remains at the bottom until I insert the date (90% more recent date that last inserted
Is it dangerous this indexkey?
- Code: Select all Expand view
field->code + IIF( EMPTY( field->date ) ,"99999999" , DTOS( field->date ) )
Are there any simplest solutions?
Best regards