is it possible to make these changes ?
Because of unexpected results, I cannot see a reason, to define the Image width and height,
Some BMP's are not equal in width and height.
TMetroBtn():New( nX, nY, lLarge, Self, cCaption, cImgName, bAction, nAlign, ;
nBmpAlign, nBmpWidth, nBmpHeight, oFont, cText, nTextAlign, oTextFont, oSubMetro, ;
nGroup, cBackImage, cAction, cSub )
TMetroBtn():New( nX, nY, lLarge, Self, cCaption, cImgName, bAction, nAlign, ;
nBmpAlign, nRatio, oFont, cText, nTextAlign, oTextFont, oSubMetro, ;
nGroup, cBackImage, cAction, cSub )
where nRatio = 1 means original size
Selected with a fixed width and height = 50 :
Practicable to select a Image with a defined Zoom-factor ( keep ratio ) ??? :
Best Regards