I'm translating an old 16 bit application and now I have a procedure witha a order creation I not Know how convert to fwh :
orario->(dbCreateIndex("orario.$$1", ;
"materie->prec + anagrafe->punti", {|| ;
(materie->(dbGoto(orario->materia)), ;
anagrafe->(dbGoto(orario->prof)), materie->prec + ;
anagrafe->punti + eval({|| (DevPos(14, 14), iif(!EOF(), ;
DevOut(Replicate("²", RecNo() * 51 / LastRec())), Nil), ;
orario->(dbCreateIndex("orario.$$2", ;
"orario->classe + str( orario->gruppo, 3 ) + orario->gg_ora", ;
{|| orario->classe + Str(orario->gruppo, 3) + orario->gg_ora + ;
eval({|| (DevPos(14, 14), iif(!EOF(), DevOut(Replicate("²", ;
RecNo() * 51 / LastRec())), Nil), "")})}))
I use cdx