I have a problem with reading data from INFORMIX SQL table for NVARCHAR fields,
If i use ODBC receive error "Unknown Type or is not supported curently"
If use ADO there is not reported error byt all readed data from NVARCHAR fields are empty
- Code: Select all Expand view
oCn := TOleAuto():New( 'ADODB.Connection' )
oRs := TOleAuto():New( 'ADODB.RecordSet' )
:ActiveConnection := oCn
:Source := 'SELECT * from tbl_statuses_new'
:CursorLocation := 3 // adUseClient
catch oErr
msginfo("Error !")
end try
If look data from Delphy Sql Explorer i see something like binary code or encrypted data ...
I can see normaly data only from DBACCESS
(I can insert or delete data without problem.)
Some sugestions ?
Best regards,