A customer of mine notice a problem in a get field since the latest FWH 3.08.
First of all, my dates are character fields because I have made my own control to check if the date is correct, if it is a weekend of a holiday, etc.
This is the code I use :
- Code: Select all Expand view
- REDEFINE GET oGET[12] VAR cAGDATUM ID 115 OF AgeDlg PICTURE "99/99/9999" UPDATE VALID DatContr("cAGDATUM",AgeDlg,,.T.) .AND. CtrWeekDay("cDOW1",cAGDATUM,.T.,AgeDlg,cContrW1,"cContrW1","oAGDATUM")
oGET[12]:bGotFocus := {|| SYSREFRESH(),oGET[12]:Assign(),oGET[12]:SetSel(0,LEN(RTRIM(cAGDATUM )))}
If the date has to be changed by the customer, he often clicks in the GET and select the whole date. Then he enters the new date.
In FWH 13.07 that was no problem at all. In FWH 13.08, he has to push the delete-button or the home-button of his keyboard first to enter the new date. This wasn't the case in FWH 13.07. He could start typing the new date inmeddiately.
I noticed 2 minor changes into the TGET class of FWH 13.08 :
- Code: Select all Expand view
- ::npos = ::oGet:pos
- Code: Select all Expand view
- ::npos = nHi + 1 // don't use ::oGet:pos here! as it does not allow any higher values
- Code: Select all Expand view
- ::nPos--
- Code: Select all Expand view
- ::nPos = Len( ::oGet:Buffer ) + 1
::oGet:Pos = ::nPos
Anyone any idea?
Thanks a lot in advance for any help.