Mr. Rao - Error using BIT type with TRecSet Class - Ado

Mr. Rao - Error using BIT type with TRecSet Class - Ado

Postby Compuin » Sun Aug 21, 2022 5:12 pm

Hello Mr Rao

I'm trying to get acces to a table using ADO.

I do my Ado connection with this

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oAp:oMySql:= FW_OpenAdoConnection( { "MYSQL", cServer, cDataBase, cUser, cPassWord }, .t. )

Now I need to open a Table using this code

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    oTable:=TRecSet():New():Open( cSql, oAp:oMySql )

For this line, I need to retrieve a Logical field, I set this field as BIT

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@ 5.7, 22 CHECKBOX oTable:Married PROMPT "Married"  UPDATE OF oDlg     //Line 51

But not matter if I switch BIT or TINYINT, I always get this error message
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 16 secs
Error occurred at: 21/08/2022, 13:06:04
Error description: Error BASE/1070 Argument error: ==
[ 1] = L .F.
[ 2] = N 1

Stack Calls
Called from: .\source\classes\TRECSET.PRG => TRECSET:FIELDPUT( 596 )
Called from: .\source\classes\TRECSET.PRG => TRECSET:_MARRIED( 1286 )
Called from: source\Core\Ventas\test.prg => (b)TEST( 51 )

Please advise and thanks in advance
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Re: Mr. Rao - Error using BIT type with TRecSet Class - Ado

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:33 pm

I am looking into this.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: Mr. Rao - Error using BIT type with TRecSet Class - Ado

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:34 pm

I am looking into this.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: Mr. Rao - Error using BIT type with TRecSet Class - Ado

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Mon Aug 29, 2022 4:49 am

We tested and TReSet class deals with BIT fields properly.
BIT field needs to be defined like this:
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`MARRIED` bit(1) DEFAULT b'0',

ADO always treats BIT fields as Boolean values ( Type 11 adBoolean ).

ADO does not natively support treating TINYINT as LOGICAL. If we want, we need to handle this by ourselves in our application program.

Please test with this sample program. Please use the same server we used in this sample.
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function AdoTestLogical()

   local oCn, oRs

   oCn   := FW_OpenAdoConnection( { "MYSQL","","fwh","fwhuser","FiveTech@2022" }, .t. )

   if oCn == nil
      ? "connect fail"
      return nil

   oRs   := TRecSet():New( nil, "select * from customer", oCn )
   if oRs:IsOpen

      ? oRs:Married, ValType( oRs:Married )
      oRs:Married := !oRs:Married
      ? oRs:Married


      ? "recset not open"


return nil

You can comfortably use the value "oRs:bitfield" in CheckBoxes.
Please test
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? oRs:FieldType( "married" ) // --> result should be "L"

to make sure.

ADO treats "adTinyInt" (16) as Numeric Integer but not as Logical.

We know some MySql programmers use TinyInt for logical values.
In the next version we will provide the option to the programmer for using TinyInt as logical.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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