Salvar bitmap from resources transparent

Salvar bitmap from resources transparent

Postby Ari » Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:08 pm


I'm trying to record the bitmaps I have with transparent brackground, some and know how to do that?

I'll use it on the pages and there is a gray appearing in the background.

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/*  ============================================================================== */
Function BmpTOFile( cNome, xhDC )
/*  ============================================================================== */
  local hDC, hDIB
  local cFile     := Lower("c:\xampp\htdocs\img\" + cNome + ".bmp")

  local cFileHtml := Lower('/img/'   + cNome + "
  if File( cFile ) ; return Lower(cNome) ; Endif
  DEFAULT xhDC := 0
  if xhDC == 0
     hDC      := LoadBitMap( GetResources(), cNome )                    
     hDC      := xhDC

  if empty( hDC ) ; return Lower(cNome) ; Endif
  hDIB        := DibFromBitmap( hDC, 255 )

  DibWrite( cFile, hDIB )
return Lower(cNome)

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