I would like the gadient to stay within the limits of the border and not smear outside
I believe that there is a bug inside the Btnbmp PaintBorder method that is to say when the button is not pressed it works well, if instead it is pressed it colors the outside of the button border with the gradient color.
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- LOCAL bGrad2 := { |lInvert| If( !lInvert, 0xE6E6E6, 0xB7D59F ) }
@ 140,510 BTNBMP oGenera3 PROMPT "Genera" of oDlg SIZE 80,26 FLAT NOROUND;
FILENAME ".\bitmaps\editor\genera.png" LEFT;
oGenera3:bClrGrad:= bGrad2
I tried also to set the agradRect with
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- oGenera3:aGradRect:={ 0.5, 0.5,oGenera3:nHeight-0.1, oGenera3:nWidth }
but I have not had satisfactory results