change dialog size from a combobox

change dialog size from a combobox

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:36 am

selecting an option from a combobox the dialog must be resized according to the instructions inserted in the Change_dialog() function because according to the option the end user must insert some controls instead of others.

the second combobox only changes a get for a btnbmp

the problem is that the procedure recreates the dialog elsewhere and if you use oDlg:center() it puts it back in the center
but a flash is visible, many times you see the dialog in the left corner and then in the center .

apparently nothing happens if there is only the combobox in the dialog, if there are the other controls (about 20) you have the perception of the flash

I haven't found any solutions

a small sample
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""

Function Test()
      local oModulo
      local oBar
      local nBottomDlg   := 22
      local nRightDlg    := 89
      local nWd          := Max( nRightDlg * DLG_CHARPIX_W, 180 )
      local nHt          := nBottomDlg * DLG_CHARPIX_H
      local aElemento    :={"opzione1","opzione2","opzione3" }
      local aTipoDATA    :={"dato1","dato2" }
      local atext    :={"opzione1","opzione2","opzione3" }
      local cText := "opzione1"
      local cType:="opzione1"
      local cFieldValue:="dato1"
      local cDesc:=space(100)
      local nRow:= 0,nCol:= 10
      local nInterlinea := 30
      local  oFont := TFont():New( "Tahoma", 0, -12,, )
      local  oBold := TFont():New( "Tahoma", 0, -12,,.t. )
      local aGet:=array(20)
      local oSay:=array(20)
      local oBtnSel:=array(10)
      local oMenu:=array(6)
      local oLine:=array(10)
      local aMenu:= {"test1","test2","test3","test4","test5","test6"}
      local nTop,nLeft,nWidth,nHeight
      LOCAL lcheck1:=.f.,lCheck2

       FONT oFont  TiTle "test" COLOR CLR_BLACK, RGB( 245,245,235)  ;
       DEFINE BUTTONBAR oBar OF oModulo SIZE 70,70  2015   BOTTOM NOBORDER
       oBar:bClrGrad := { | lPressed | If( ! lPressed,;
                 { { 1, RGB( 250,250,245),RGB( 250,250,245)} },;
                 { { 1, RGB( 245,245,235 ), RGB( 245,245,235 )} } ) }

 @ nRow,  5 SAY oSay[1] PROMPT "Tipo Elemento : " SIZE 80,14 PIXEL OF oModulo TRANSPARENT FONT oBold
 @  nRow, 120 COMBOBOX aGet[1] VAR cType ITEMS aElemento SIZE 150,90 PIXEL OF oModulo ;
                  ON CHANGE (Change_Field_Value( aGet,oBtnSel,oSay,oLine,oMenu),;
                           EVAL( oModulo:bResized))

  @ nRow,  5 SAY oSay[3] PROMPT "Tipo Dato " SIZE 80,14 PIXEL OF oModulo TRANSPARENT FONT oBold
  @ nRow, 120 COMBOBOX aGet[3] VAR cFieldValue ITEMS aTipoDATA SIZE 120,90 PIXEL OF oModulo ;
              ON CHANGE  (Change_Field_Value( aGet,oBtnSel,oSay,oLine,oMenu),;
                                    EVAL( oModulo:bResized))

                @ nRow,241  BTNBMP aGet[4] OF oModulo;
                PROMPT space(200) ;
                SIZE 350, 23  PIXEL FLAT NOROUND
                    aGet[4]:bClrGrad := { | lPressed | If( ! lPressed,;
                 { { 1, RGB( 250,250,245),RGB( 250,250,245)} },;
                 { { 1, RGB( 245,245,235 ), RGB( 245,245,235 )} } ) }
                     aGet[4]:nClrBorder :=  RGB(195,195,185)
                 @ nRow, 250  GET aGet[5] VAR cDesc MEMO SIZE 390,49 PIXEL OF  oModulo     UPDATE


                  oModulo:bResized  := <||
                  local  oRect       := oModulo:GetCliRect()
                  local ntipo:=aGet[1]:nAt
                  aGet[4]:nTop       := oRect:nTop+34     //desc btnbmp
                  aGet[4]:nLeft      := oRect:nLeft+250
                  aGet[4]:nWidth     := oRect:nWidth-340
                  aGet[5]:nTop       := oRect:nTop+34      //desc
                  aGet[5]:nLeft      := oRect:nLeft+250
                  aGet[5]:nWidth     := oRect:nWidth-260

                  return nil

            ACTIVATE DIALOG oModulo CENTERED              ;
                 ON INIT ( oModulo:resize()              ,;
                           ChangeButtons(oBar )       ,;
                           Change_Field_Value( aGet,oBtnSel,oSay,oLine,oMenu),;


Static Function Change_Field_Value( aGet,oBtnSel,oSay,oLine,oMenu)
    local nTipo:=aGet[1]:nAt
    local nDato:=aGet[3]:nAt

    Do case
    case ndato= 1
          IF nTipo = 1
             aGet[4]:show()  //desc
             aGet[5]:hide()  //desc
          elseIF  nTipo = 2
             aGet[4]:show()  //desc
             aGet[5]:hide()  //desc
          elseIF  nTipo = 3
             aGet[4]:show()  //desc
             aGet[5]:hide()  //desc

    case ndato= 2   //Value
            IF nTipo = 1
             aGet[4]:hide() //desc
             aGet[5]:show()  //desc
          elseIF  nTipo = 2
            aGet[4]:show() //desc
            aGet[5]:hide()  //desc
          elseIF  nTipo = 3
             aGet[4]:hide() //desc
             aGet[5]:show()  //desc

       aGet[4]:refresh()  //desc
       aGet[5]:refresh()  //desc
Static Function Change_Dialog(aGet,oDlg)

      local nTipo:=aGet[1]:nAt
      local nBottomDlg
      local nRightDlg
      local nWd
      local nHt

    Do case
    case nTipo = 1
      nBottomDlg   := 24
      nRightDlg    := 89
    case nTipo = 2
      nBottomDlg   := 20
      nRightDlg    := 89
    case nTipo = 3
      nBottomDlg   := 24
      nRightDlg    := 89
      nWd          := Max( nRightDlg * DLG_CHARPIX_W, 180 )
      nHt          := nBottomDlg * DLG_CHARPIX_H
   return nil
function ChangeButtons( oBar )
       AEval( oBar:aControls, { | oCtrl | oCtrl:nTop += 4, oCtrl:nHeight -= 4 } )
  return .T.
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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