How to change image on edit_button in xBrowse

How to change image on edit_button in xBrowse

Postby mtajkov » Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:08 pm

Depending on the column value in the DBF file I want to change the image on the EDIT_BUTTON

this is the current code:
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       oCol := oBrwZbr:AddCol()
       oCol:nBtnBmp := 1
       oCol:nWidth    := 36
       oCol:oDataFont     := oFontBrw
       oCol:nEditType     := EDIT_BUTTON
       oCol:bEditBlock    := { | nRow, nCol, oCol, nKey | DownLoadXml(rtrim(RptSpsFak->Eid),"1") }

I tried:

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       oCol := oBrwZbr:AddCol()
       oCol:nBmpData  := { || iif( !empty(RptSpsFak->Prilog1) ,1,2)}
       oCol:nWidth    := 36
       oCol:oDataFont     := oFontBrw
       oCol:nEditType     := EDIT_BUTTON
       oCol:bEditBlock    := { | nRow, nCol, oCol, nKey | DownLoadXml(rtrim(RptSpsFak->Eid),"1") }


but oCol:nBmpData does not allow that possibility.

I would also like to be able to dynamically change the nEditType.
Best regards

[ FWH 21.11 ] [ xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20150603) ]
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Re: How to change image on edit_button in xBrowse

Postby FranciscoA » Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:43 pm

Hi, try this way:
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oCol:bBmpData  := { || iif( !empty(RptSpsFak->Prilog1) ,1,2)}
Francisco J. Alegría P.
Chinandega, Nicaragua.

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Re: How to change image on edit_button in xBrowse

Postby mtajkov » Wed Jun 26, 2024 4:35 am

Thank you Francisco,

but if i use:
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oCol:bBmpData  := { || iif( !empty(RptSpsFak->Prilog1) ,1,2)}

I get it:

I would like this:

Best regards

[ FWH 21.11 ] [ xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20150603) ]
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Re: How to change image on edit_button in xBrowse

Postby cmsoft » Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:26 pm

Puedes hacer
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Re: How to change image on edit_button in xBrowse

Postby mtajkov » Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:11 am

Thank you
Best regards

[ FWH 21.11 ] [ xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20150603) ]
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