Problem with Harupdf and Switzerland font

mod_harbour is an Apache module that allows to run PRGs directly on the web !!!

Problem with Harupdf and Switzerland font

Postby Massimo Linossi » Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:26 am

Hi to all.
I have a problem using a new font inside the Harupdf class. I have placed the new ttf font inside the font directory
that Haru usess. Then I added it to the 3 arrays inside the prg, but even without using it the pdf is not created.
I downloaded the font SwitzerlandCondensed from this site :

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include "c:\Apache24\include\"
#include "c:\Apache24\include\"

STATIC aTtfFontList:= NIL

function Main()
   local def_font, tw, i := 0
   local cPageTitle := "Title of the page"
   local font_list := { "Courier", "Courier-Bold", "Courier-Oblique", "Courier-BoldOblique",;
                        "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetica-Oblique", "Times-Roman",;
                        "Times-Bold", "Times-Italic", "Times-BoldItalic", "Symbol", "ZapfDingbats", "SwitzerlandCondensed" }
   local oPrn

   cFontDir = hb_GetEnv( "PRGPATH" ) + "/fonts"

   oPrn := TPdf():New( "list" )
   oPrn:LoadedFonts := font_list
   if Empty( oPrn:hPdf )
      ? "PDFs not available!"
      return NIL

   oFont1 := oPrn:DefineFont( 'Helvetica',  24 )
   oFont3 := oPrn:DefineFont( 'Helvetica', 16 )
   oFont2 := oPrn:DefineFont( 'Helvetica-Bold', 16 )
   height :=  oprn:nVertSize()
   width  :=  oprn:nHorzSize()
   oPrn:Rect( 10, 10, height-20, width-20 ,  1 )
   oPrn:cmSay(  2, 7, cPageTitle, oFont1 )
   x = 90

   for n = 1 to Len( font_list )
      samp_text = "abcdefgABCDEFG12345!#$%&+-@?"
      oFont2    = oPrn:DefineFont( font_list[ n ], 16 )    
      oPrn:Say( x + n * 40,  30, font_list[ n ], oFont2 )
      oPrn:Say( x + n * 40, 220, samp_text, oFont2 )

   ? oPrn:Save( hb_GetEnv( "PRGPATH" ) + "/data/test2.pdf" )   // ERROR
   ? "<br>"
   ?? "<" + "iframe src='./data/test2.pdf' style='width:calc( 100% + 16px );height:100%;border:0px;margin:-8px;'><" + "/iframe>"

return nil



   DATA hPdf
   DATA hPage
   DATA LoadedFonts
   DATA aPages
   DATA nCurrentPage

   DATA nHeight, nWidth

   DATA cFileName
   DATA nPermission
   DATA cPassword, cOwnerPassword

   DATA hImageList

   DATA lPreview INIT .F.
   DATA bPreview

   CONSTRUCTOR New( cFileName, cPassword, cOwnerPassword, nPermission, lPreview )
   METHOD SetPage( nPageSize )
   METHOD SetLandscape()
   METHOD SetPortrait()
   METHOD SetCompression( cMode ) INLINE HPDF_SetCompressionMode( ::hPdf, cMode )
   METHOD StartPage()
   METHOD EndPage()
   METHOD Say( nRow, nCol, cText, oFont, nWidth, nClrText, nBkMode, nPad )
   METHOD CmSay( nRow, nCol, cText, oFont, nWidth, nClrText, nBkMode, nPad, lO2A )
   METHOD SayRotate( nTop, nLeft, cTxt, oFont, nClrText, nAngle )
   METHOD DefineFont( cFontName, nSize, lEmbed )
   METHOD Cmtr2Pix( nRow, nCol )
   METHOD Mmtr2Pix( nRow, nCol )
   METHOD CmRect2Pix( aRect )
   METHOD nVertRes() INLINE 72
   METHOD nHorzRes() INLINE 72
   METHOD nLogPixelX() INLINE 72  // Number of pixels per logical inch
   METHOD nLogPixelY() INLINE 72
   METHOD nVertSize() INLINE HPDF_Page_GetHeight( ::hPage )
   METHOD nHorzSize() INLINE HPDF_Page_GetWidth( ::hPage )
   METHOD SizeInch2Pix( nHeight, nWidth )
   METHOD CmSayBitmap( nRow, nCol, xBitmap, nWidth, nHeight, nRaster, lStrech )
   METHOD SayBitmap( nRow, nCol, xBitmap, nWidth, nHeight, nRaster )
   METHOD GetImageFromFile( cImageFile )
   METHOD Line( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen )
   METHOD CmLine( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen )
   METHOD Rect( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen, nColor )
   METHOD CmRect( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen, nColor )
   METHOD RoundBox( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nWidth, nHeight, oPen, nColor, nBackColor, lFondo )
   METHOD CmRoundBox( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nWidth, nHeight, oPen, nColor, nBackColor, lFondo )
   MESSAGE RoundRect METHOD RoundBox
   MESSAGE CmRoundRect METHOD CmRoundBox

   METHOD SetPen( oPen, nColor )
   METHOD SetRGBStroke( nColor )
   METHOD SetRGBFill( nColor )

   METHOD DashLine( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen, nDashMode )
   METHOD CmDashLine( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen, nDashMode )
   METHOD Save( cFilename )
   METHOD SyncPage()
   METHOD CheckPage()
   METHOD GetTextWidth( cText, oFont )
   METHOD GetTextHeight( cText, oFont )

   METHOD End()



METHOD New( cFileName, cPassword, cOwnerPassword, nPermission, lPreview ) CLASS TPdf

   ::hPdf := HPDF_New()
   ::LoadedFonts := {}

   if ::hPdf == NIL
      ? "Pdf could not been created!"
      return NIL

   HPDF_SetCompressionMode( ::hPdf, HPDF_COMP_ALL )

   ::cFileName := cFileName
   ::cPassword := cPassword
   ::cOwnerPassword := cOwnerPassword
   ::nPermission := nPermission

   ::hImageList := { => }
   ::aPages := {}
   ::nCurrentPage := 0

   // Mastintin
   if HB_ISLOGICAL( lPreview )
      ::lPreview:= lPreview
    //  ::bPreview := { || HaruShellexecute( NIL, "open", ::cFileName ) }

return Self


METHOD SetPage( nPageSize ) CLASS TPdf

   ::nPageSize:= nPageSize

return Self



   if ::hPage != NIL
      HPDF_Page_SetSize( ::hPage, ::nPageSize, ::nOrientation )
      ::nHeight := HPDF_Page_GetHeight( ::hPage )
      ::nWidth  := HPDF_Page_GetWidth( ::hPage )

return NIL



   if ::hPage == NIL

return NIL


METHOD SetLandscape() CLASS TPdf

   ::nOrientation:= HPDF_PAGE_LANDSCAPE

return Self


METHOD SetPortrait() CLASS TPdf

   ::nOrientation:= HPDF_PAGE_PORTRAIT

return Self



   ::hPage := HPDF_AddPage( ::hPdf )
   AAdd( ::aPages, ::hPage )
   ::nCurrentPage := Len( ::aPages )

return Self



   ::hPage := NIL

return Self


METHOD Say( nRow, nCol, cText, oFont, nWidth, nClrText, nBkMode, nPad ) CLASS TPdf

   local c, nTextHeight

   HPDF_Page_BeginText( ::hPage )

   if oFont == NIL
      nTextHeight := HPDF_Page_GetCurrentFontSize( ::hPage )
      HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize( ::hPage, oFont[ 1 ], oFont[ 2 ] )
      nTextHeight := oFont[ 2 ]

   if ValType( nClrText ) == 'N'
      c := HPDF_Page_GetRGBFill( ::hPage )
      ::SetRGBFill( nClrText )

      HPDF_Page_TextOut( ::hPage, nCol, ::nHeight - nRow - nTextHeight, cText )
      nWidth := HPDF_Page_TextWidth( ::hPage, cText )
      HPDF_Page_TextOut( ::hPage, nCol - nWidth, ::nHeight - nRow - nTextHeight, cText )
      nWidth := HPDF_Page_TextWidth( ::hPage, cText )
      HPDF_Page_TextOut( ::hPage, nCol - nWidth / 2, ::nHeight - nRow - nTextHeight, cText )

   if ValType( c ) == 'A'
      HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill( ::hPage, c[ 1 ], c[ 2 ], c[ 3 ] )
   HPDF_Page_EndText( ::hPage )

return Self


METHOD CmSay( nRow, nCol, cText, oFont, nWidth, nClrText, nBkMode, nPad, lO2A ) CLASS TPdf

   ::Cmtr2Pix( @nRow, @nCol )
   if nWidth != Nil
      ::Cmtr2Pix( 0, @nWidth )
   ::Say( nRow, nCol, cText, oFont, nWidth, nClrText, nBkMode, nPad, lO2A )

return Self


METHOD DefineFont( cFontName, nSize, lEmbed ) CLASS TPdf

   local font_list  := { ;
                        "Courier",                  ;
                        "Courier-Bold",             ;
                        "Courier-Oblique",          ;
                        "Courier-BoldOblique",      ;
                        "Helvetica",                ;
                        "Helvetica-Bold",           ;
                        "Helvetica-Oblique",        ;
                        "Helvetica-BoldOblique",    ;
                        "Times-Roman",              ;
                        "Times-Bold",               ;
                        "Times-Italic",             ;
                        "Times-BoldItalic",         ;
                        "Symbol",                   ;
                        "ZapfDingbats",             ;
                        "SwitzerlandCondensed"      ;

   local i, ttf_list

   i := aScan( font_list, {|x| Upper( x ) == Upper( cFontName ) } )
   if i > 0 // Standard font
      cFontName:= font_list[ i ]
      i := aScan( ::LoadedFonts, {|x| Upper( x[ 1 ] ) == Upper( cFontName ) } )
      if i > 0
         cFontName := ::LoadedFonts[ i ][ 2 ]
         //DEBUGMSG 'Activada fuente ' + cFontName
         ttf_list := GetHaruFontList()
         i := aScan( ttf_list, {|x| Upper( x[ 1 ] ) == Upper( cFontName ) } )
         if i > 0
            cFontName := HPDF_LoadTTFontFromFile( ::hPdf, ttf_list[ i, 2 ], lEmbed )
            //DEBUGMSG 'Cargada fuente ' + cFontName
            //DEBUGMSG 'Fichero ' + ttf_list[ i, 2 ]
            AAdd( ::LoadedFonts, { ttf_list[ i, 1 ], cFontName } )
            Alert( 'Fuente desconocida '+cFontName )
            return NIL

return { HPDF_GetFont( ::hPdf, cFontName, "WinAnsiEncoding" ), nSize }


METHOD Cmtr2Pix( nRow, nCol ) CLASS TPdf

   nRow *= 72 / 2.54
   nCol *= 72 / 2.54

return { nRow, nCol }


METHOD Mmtr2Pix( nRow, nCol ) CLASS TPdf

   nRow *= 72 / 25.4
   nCol *= 72 / 25.4

 return { nRow, nCol }


METHOD CmRect2Pix( aRect ) CLASS TPdf

   local aTmp[ 4 ]

   aTmp[ 1 ] = Max( 0, aRect[ 1 ] * 72 / 2.54 )
   aTmp[ 2 ] = Max( 0, aRect[ 2 ] * 72 / 2.54 )
   aTmp[ 3 ] = Max( 0, aRect[ 3 ] * 72 / 2.54 )
   aTmp[ 4 ] = Max( 0, aRect[ 4 ] * 72 / 2.54 )

return aTmp


METHOD SizeInch2Pix( nHeight, nWidth ) CLASS TPdf

   nHeight *= 72
   nWidth *= 72

return { nHeight, nWidth }


METHOD GetImageFromFile( cImageFile ) CLASS TPdf

   if hb_HHasKey( ::hImageList, cImageFile )
      return ::hImageList[ cImageFile ]
   if ! File( cImageFile )
      IF( Lower( Right( cImageFile, 4 ) ) == '.bmp' ) // En el c�digo esta como bmp, probar si ya fue transformado a png
         cImageFile := Left( cImageFile, Len( cImageFile ) - 3 ) + 'png'
         return ::GetImageFromFile( cImageFile )
         ? cImageFile + ' not found'
         return NIL
   IF( Lower( Right( cImageFile, 4 ) ) == '.png' )
      return ( ::hImageList[ cImageFile ] := HPDF_LoadPngImageFromFile(::hPdf, cImageFile ) )

return ::hImageList[ cImageFile ] := HPDF_LoadJpegImageFromFile(::hPdf, cImageFile )


METHOD SayBitmap( nRow, nCol, xBitmap, nWidth, nHeight, nRaster ) CLASS TPdf

   local image

   if !Empty( image := ::GetImageFromFile( xBitmap ) )
      HPDF_Page_DrawImage( ::hPage, image, nCol, ::nHeight - nRow - nHeight, nWidth, nHeight /* iw, ih*/)

return Self


METHOD Line( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen ) CLASS TPdf

   if oPen != NIL
      ::SetPen( oPen )

   HPDF_Page_MoveTo ( ::hPage, nLeft, ::nHeight - nTop )
   HPDF_Page_LineTo ( ::hPage, nRight, ::nHeight - nBottom )
   HPDF_Page_Stroke ( ::hPage )

return Self


METHOD Save( cFilename ) CLASS TPdf

   FErase( cFilename )

   if ValType( ::nPermission ) != 'N'

   if ValType( ::cPassword ) == 'C' .AND. !Empty( ::cPassword )
      if Empty( ::cOwnerPassword )
         ::cOwnerPassword := ::cPassword + '+1'
      HPDF_SetPassword( ::hPdf, ::cOwnerPassword, ::cPassword )
      HPDF_SetPermission( ::hPdf, ::nPermission )

return HPDF_SaveToFile ( ::hPdf, cFilename )


METHOD GetTextWidth( cText, oFont ) CLASS TPdf

   HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize( ::hPage, oFont[ 1 ], oFont[ 2 ] )

return HPDF_Page_TextWidth( ::hPage, cText )


METHOD GetTextHeight( cText, oFont ) CLASS TPdf

   HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize( ::hPage, oFont[ 1 ], oFont[ 2 ] )

return oFont[ 2 ] // height of the font when we create it



   local nResult

   if ValType( ::cFileName ) == 'C'
      nResult := ::Save( ::cFileName )

   HPDF_Free( ::hPdf )

   ::aPages := {}

   if ::lPreview
      Eval( ::bPreview, Self )

return nResult


METHOD Rect( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen, nColor ) CLASS TPdf

   HPDF_Page_GSave( ::hPage )
   ::SetPen( oPen, nColor )

   HPDF_Page_Rectangle( ::hPage, nLeft, ::nHeight - nBottom, nRight - nLeft,  nBottom - nTop )

   HPDF_Page_Stroke ( ::hPage )
   HPDF_Page_GRestore( ::hPage )

return Self

METHOD CmRect( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen, nColor ) CLASS TPdf

   ::Rect( nTop * 72 / 2.54, nLeft * 72 / 2.54, nBottom * 72 / 2.54, nRight * 72 / 2.54, oPen, nColor )

return Self

METHOD CmLine( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen ) CLASS TPdf

   ::Line( nTop * 72 / 2.54, nLeft * 72 / 2.54, nBottom * 72 / 2.54, nRight * 72 / 2.54, oPen )

return Self

METHOD CmDashLine( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen, nDashMode ) CLASS TPdf

   ::DashLine( nTop * 72 / 2.54, nLeft * 72 / 2.54, nBottom * 72 / 2.54, nRight * 72 / 2.54, oPen, nDashMode )

return Self

METHOD DashLine( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen, nDashMode ) CLASS TPdf

   HPDF_Page_SetDash( ::hPage, { 3, 7 }, 2, 2 )
   ::Line( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen )
   HPDF_Page_SetDash( ::hPage, NIL, 0, 0 )

return Self


METHOD CmSayBitmap( nRow, nCol, xBitmap, nWidth, nHeight, nRaster, lStrech  ) CLASS TPdf

   if !Empty(  nWidth  )
     nWidth := nWidth * 72 / 2.54

   if !Empty(  nHeight  )
      nHeight := nHeight * 72 / 2.54

   ::SayBitmap( nRow * 72 / 2.54, nCol * 72 / 2.54, xBitmap, nWidth, nHeight, nRaster, lStrech )

return nil


METHOD RoundBox( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nWidth, nHeight, oPen, nColor, nBackColor ) CLASS TPdf

   local nRay
   local xposTop, xposBotton
   local nRound

   HB_DEFAULT( @nWidth, 0 )
   HB_DEFAULT( @nHeight, 0 )

      nRound:= Min( nWidth, nHeight )

      nRound := nRound / 250

   ::SetPen( oPen, nColor )

   if HB_ISNUMERIC( nBackColor )
      ::SetRGBFill( nBackColor )

   if Empty( nRound )
      HPDF_Page_Rectangle( ::hPage, nLeft, ::nHeight - nBottom, nRight - nLeft,  nBottom - nTop )
      nRay = Round( iif( ::nWidth > ::nHeight, Min( nRound,Int( (nBottom - nTop ) / 2 ) ), Min( nRound,Int( (nRight - nLeft) / 2 ) ) ), 0 )

      xposTop := ::nHeight - nTop
      xposBotton := ::nHeight - nBottom

      HPDF_Page_MoveTo ( ::hPage, nLeft + nRay,  xposTop )
      HPDF_Page_LineTo ( ::hPage, nRight - nRay, xposTop )

      HPDF_Page_CurveTo( ::hPage, nRight, xposTop, nRight,  xposTop, nRight,  xposTop - nRay )

      HPDF_Page_LineTo ( ::hPage, nRight, xposBotton + nRay )
      HPDF_Page_CurveTo( ::hPage, nRight, xposBotton, nRight, xposBotton, nRight - nRay,  xposBotton  )
      HPDF_Page_LineTo ( ::hPage, nLeft + nRay, xposBotton )
      HPDF_Page_CurveTo( ::hPage, nLeft, xposBotton,  nLeft, xposBotton, nLeft, xposBotton + nRay )

      HPDF_Page_LineTo ( ::hPage, nLeft, xposTop - nRay )
      HPDF_Page_CurveTo( ::hPage, nLeft, xposTop,  nLeft, xposTop, nLeft + nRay, xposTop )

   if HB_ISNUMERIC( nBackColor )
      HPDF_Page_FillStroke ( ::hPage )
      HPDF_Page_Stroke ( ::hPage )
   HPDF_Page_GRestore( ::hPage )

return Self


METHOD SetPen( oPen, nColor ) CLASS TPdf

   if oPen != NIL
      if ValType( oPen ) == 'N'
         HPDF_Page_SetLineWidth( ::hPage, oPen )
         HPDF_Page_SetLineWidth( ::hPage, oPen:nWidth )
         nColor:= oPen:nColor

   if ValType( nColor ) == 'N'
      ::SetRGBStroke( nColor )

return SELF


METHOD SetRGBStroke( nColor ) CLASS TPdf

  HPDF_Page_SetRGBStroke( ::hPage, ( nColor  % 256 ) / 256.00,;
                                   ( Int( nColor / 0x100 )  % 256 ) / 256.00,;
                                   ( Int( nColor / 0x10000 ) % 256 ) / 256.00 )
return NIL


METHOD SetRGBFill( nColor ) CLASS TPdf

    HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill( ::hPage, HB_BitAnd( Int( nColor ), 0xFF ) / 255.00,;
                                   HB_BitAnd( HB_BitShift( Int( nColor ), -8 ), 0xFF ) / 255.00,;
                                   HB_BitAnd( HB_BitShift( Int( nColor ), -16 ), 0xFF ) / 255.00 )

//  HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill( ::hPage,  nRGBRed( nColor ) / 255.00,;
//                                  nRGBGeen( nColor ) / 255.00,;
//                                  nRGBBlue( nColor ) / 255.00 )

//  HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill( ::hPage, ( nColor  % 256 ) / 256.00,;
//                                  ( Int( nColor / 0x100 )  % 256 ) / 256.00,;
//                                  ( Int( nColor / 0x10000 ) % 256 ) / 256.00 )

return NIL


METHOD CmRoundBox( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nWidth, nHeight, oPen, nColor, nBackColor, lFondo ) ;

   DEFAULT nWidth To 0, nHeight TO 0

return ::RoundBox( nTop * 72 / 2.54, nLeft * 72 / 2.54, nBottom * 72 / 2.54, nRight * 72 / 2.54,;
       nWidth * 72 / 2.54 , nHeight * 72 / 2.54 , oPen, nColor, nBackColor, lFondo )


METHOD SayRotate( nTop, nLeft, cTxt, oFont, nClrText, nAngle ) CLASS TPdf

   local aBackColor
   local nRadian := ( nAngle / 180 ) * 3.141592 /* Calcurate the radian value. */

    if ValType( nClrText ) == 'N'
       aBackColor:= HPDF_Page_GetRGBFill( ::hPage )
      ::SetRGBFill( nClrText )

   /* FONT and SIZE*/
   if !Empty( oFont )
       HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize( ::hPage, oFont[1], oFont[2] )

   /* Rotating text */
   HPDF_Page_BeginText( ::hPage )
//   HPDF_Page_SetTextMatrix( ::hPage, cos( nRadian ),;
//                                     sin( nRadian ),;
//                                     -( sin( nRadian ) ),;
//                                     cos( nRadian ), nLeft, HPDF_Page_GetHeight( ::hPage )-( nTop ) )
   HPDF_Page_ShowText( ::hPage, cTxt )

   if ValType( aBackColor ) == 'A'
      HPDF_Page_SetRGBFill( ::hPage, aBackColor[1], aBackColor[2], aBackColor[3] )

   HPDF_Page_EndText( ::hPage )

return NIL


FUNCTION SetHaruFontDir(cDir)

   local cPrevValue:= cFontDir
   if ValType( cDir ) == 'C' .AND. HB_DirExists( cDir )
      cFontDir:= cDir

return cPrevValue


FUNCTION GetHaruFontDir()

#define CSIDL_FONTS 0x0014

   if cFontDir == NIL
    //  cFontDir:= HaruGetSpecialFolder( CSIDL_FONTS )

return cFontDir


FUNCTION GetHaruFontList()

   if aTtfFontList == NIL

return aTtfFontList



   local aDfltList:= { { 'Arial', 'arial.ttf' } ;
                     , { 'Verdana', 'verdana.ttf' } ;
                     , { 'Courier New', 'cour.ttf' } ;
                     , { 'Calibri', 'calibri.ttf' } ;
                     , { 'Tahoma', 'tahoma.ttf' } ;
                     , { 'SwitzerlandCondensed', 'SwitzerlandCondensed.ttf' } ;

   aTtfFontList:= {}
   aEval( aDfltList, {|_x| HaruAddFont( _x[1], _x[2] ) } )

return NIL


FUNCTION HaruAddFont( cFontName, cTtfFile )

   local aList := GetHaruFontList()

   if !File( cTtfFile ) .AND. File( GetHaruFontDir() + '/' + cTtfFile )
      cTtfFile:= GetHaruFontDir() + '/' + cTtfFile
   if File( cTtfFile )
      aAdd( aList, { cFontName, cTtfFile } )
      ? 'file not found ' + cTtfFile

return NIL


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Massimo Linossi
Posts: 495
Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:38 am
Location: Italy

Re: Problem with Harupdf and Switzerland font

Postby Massimo Linossi » Sat Aug 15, 2020 11:36 am

Hi to all.
I know that harupdf is not used so much. But none has never tried to use some different fonts than
those already placed inside the class ?
Thanks a lot for any suggestion.
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Massimo Linossi
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Re: Problem with Harupdf and Switzerland font

Postby Massimo Linossi » Thu Oct 08, 2020 9:36 am

Solved changing the ttf fonts.
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Massimo Linossi
Posts: 495
Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:38 am
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