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A web chat developed with mod_harbour

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:07 pm
by Antonio Linares

Re: A web chat developed with mod_harbour

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:35 pm
by Otto
We don't always have the resources to develop everything ideally.
But since I need a login so that we can work with the mod harbour chat, I simply integrated lailton's login prg from the mod harbor samples into Antonio's new chat program.

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static cUserName

function Main()

   local hCookies

   hCookies := GetCookies()
   if hb_HHasKey( hCookies, "mylivechat" ) .and. ! Empty( hCookies[ "mylivechat" ] )
      cUserName = hCookies[ "mylivechat" ]
      cUserName = "guest"
   if len(cUserName) < 8
      ?  '"<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=formok.prg" />'
      logging("ok" )


Re: A web chat developed with mod_harbour

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:00 pm
by Otto
Now I can select the database which is used.
Best regards

mod harbour samples are here:

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setcookie in form.prg
function page_home()
    local cCookie :=  cUserName + '#' +  cStatus
    logging("vor cookie " + cStatus )
    SetCookie( 'mylivechat', cCookie, 600 )

getcookie in chat.prg

static cUserName, cRequest

function Main()
   local aRequest
   local hCookies
   local cDatabase := "chat"

   hCookies := GetCookies()
   logging("auslesen " + ValToChar( hCookies ))
   logging("auslesen " + ValToChar( AP_Args() ))

   if hb_HHasKey( hCookies, "mylivechat" ) .and. ! Empty( hCookies[ "mylivechat" ] )
      cUserName = hCookies[ "mylivechat" ]
      cRequest := hCookies[ "mylivechat" ]
      logging("cRequest" + cRequest)

      if "#" $ cRequest
         aRequest = hb_aTokens( cRequest, "#" )
         cUserName = aRequest[ 1 ]
         cDatabase = If( Len( aRequest ) > 1, aRequest[ 2 ], "chatdefault" )
         logging( cUserName )
         logging( cDatabase )

      cUserName = "guest"

Re: A web chat developed with mod_harbour

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:24 pm
by Otto

Re: A web chat developed with mod_harbour

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:49 am
by Otto
this first part of the video series shows how to easily integrate an HTML program
into a mod harbor program.
Target group of these instructions are harbor programmers who take the first steps towards internet programming.

Best regards,

Re: A web chat developed with mod_harbour

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:08 pm
by Otto
Part 3 - video chat software directory/hash

Re: A web chat developed with mod_harbour

PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:47 pm
by Otto
after some time I worked again on chat manager.
Who is using mod harbour chat?
Best regards,

Select DBF file you would like to chat.
Code: Select all  Expand view

  var object=<?prg return hb_jsonEncode( hMsgBoxes, .T. )?>;
  var nMsgBoxes = <?prg return hb_jsonEncode( nMsgBoxes, .T. ) ?> + 1;
  var i;
  var cKey =  1;
  for (i = 1; i < nMsgBoxes ; i++) {
          cKey =  i ;
          document.write('<div class="link-container">');
          document.write('<a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action active text-white rounded-0" href="index.prg?call=' + object[ cKey.toString()+"_database"] + '">');
          document.write('<div class="media"><img src="' +   cKey.toString() + ').jpg" alt="user" width="50" class="rounded-circle">');
          document.write('<div class="media-body ml-4">');
          document.write('<div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between mb-1">');
          document.write('<h6 class="mb-0">' + object[ cKey.toString()+"_database"] + '</h6><small class="small font-weight-bold">' + object[ cKey.toString()+"_date" ] + '</small>');
          document.write('<p class="font-italic mb-0 text-small">' + object[ cKey.toString()+"_datetime" ] + '</p>');
          } ;  


Re: A web chat developed with mod_harbour

PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:20 am
by Otto
Chat Manager now updates the input of the various chat clients with AJAX
