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mod_harbour com firebird

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:50 pm
by Otto
Dear Antonio,
I got this question:

Boa tarde Otto, você sabe informar se é possível utilizar mod_harbour com firebird ?
Du hast Folgendes gesendet:

Feliciano, I think for sure.
But I actually only use DBF.
I posted your question in the FIVEWIN forum and in the SKYPE group.

Let's wait for the answer.
Best regards,

Re: mod_harbour com firebird

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:32 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear Otto,

good morning

There is a folder in c:\harbour\contrib\hbfbird\ that as it says:
README 2003-12-23 - Harbour low-level API for Firebird and Interbase RDBMS

This work is not finished yet. It's planned to be similar to Harbour TMysql routines.

For full firebird documentation look at:

Firebird home:
Data Definition:
Language Reference:
Developers guide:

The Class implementation has no all implementation like TMysql has, because Firebird it's diferent.
For example, you cannot navigate in records like Mysql do, ex: Getrow( number of row ), in firebird you can
just go forward.


Full implementation of blob control. For now, we have only partial control, only for text blobs (subtype 1).
Improve Insert and Update commands using DSQL.

Implements to do:
FBOpenBlob( blob_id )
FBReadBlob( blob_id, string, segment_size )

FBPutBlob( blob_id, string, segment_size )

FBCloseBlob( blob_id )


Fix a few segment faults. I Need some help to find what's going on here.

That's all folks and sorry my poor English

Rodrigo Moreno -

I have never tested it myself, but I guess thats the way to go :-)