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Building modharbour with ADS on Linux

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:45 pm
by reinaldocrespo
Hello ModHarbourers;

Wishing to experiment more with ModHarabour, I have setup an old computer with Fedora server + Apache + PHP 8.2. Apache and PHP are working fine.

I have <git> cloned mod_harbour from and Harbour from (1)-- Or should I git clone from somewhere else?

I hear some chatter about "Mercury". (2)-- Is this a mod_harbour replacement or something I should be aware of?

(3) -- And; before I build modharbour from its sources I want to make sure support for ADS is included and I need help with that. Will I need to download ADS .so from somewhere or are also built from source? How?

(4) -- Should I desist on building Modharbour for Fedora Linux and build a Windows Server instead?

Thank you.


Re: Building modharbour with ADS on Linux

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:13 pm
by Otto
Hello Reinaldo,
These are good news.
I think most people here are Windows programmers, and it would benefit the community more if you build your server on Windows.
But maybe I'm wrong.
Best regards,

Re: Building modharbour with ADS on Linux

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 6:19 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear Reinaldo,

You should git clone Harbour from

If you need ADS support, then you have to build Harbour with ADS support. I will provide you detailed instructions about this in a next post.

Linux version is much faster than the Windows version, anyhow I encorage you to test it for yourself and compare response times.

Also, there is a mod_harbour 3.0 version in the repo that has been reported to be the fastest version. Again, you should test it for yourself and
compare your results.

Charly (Carles Aubia) may provide you the right information about "Mercury". It is an addon for mod_harbour.

Re: Building modharbour with ADS on Linux

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 8:13 am
by Antonio Linares
This way you build Harbour using ADS:

SET HB_WITH_ADS=your_path_to_ADS_include

Re: Building modharbour with ADS on Linux

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 1:07 pm
by reinaldocrespo
Thank you Otto and thank you Antonio;

I decided I will setup a Windows server as well as the Linux server both running Apache.

I'm always busy with many things but expect to spend some time testing Mod_harbour and PHP accessing ADS tables.

I'm fully aware we are on our own when it comes to ADS but it works soooooo well... Damn frkng SAP.


Re: Building modharbour with ADS on Linux

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 2:08 pm
by giuliano
Hi Reinaldo,
here my experience using mod_harbour + ADS on Linux

I have been using mod harbour + ADS in a Linux machine for 2 years .
It's faster, stable and easy to maintain/config .
I use also Postgres driver to connect on particular Database . It's fast and stable.
If you want some help don't esitate to contact me here in the forum or via mail .
I think the only limitation now is ADS support . I use ADS 11 release .
I agree with you . ADS works well well well ... Mod_Harbour too .

Thanks to Antonio and all the modharbour team.
