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#include ""
#define CLR_GRAY1 0xCCCCCC
#define CLR_GRAY2 0xEEEEEE
#define CLR_TEXT 0x303030
static aPrgs := { { "", "", "" } }
function Main()
local oDlg, oGet1, cPrgName := Space( 20 ), oFld1
local oBrwPrgs
local oResult, cResult := ""
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Visual Make for Harbour" ;
@ 20, 20 SAY "Main PRG" SIZE 80, 20 OF oDlg
@ 41, 20 GET oGet1 VAR cPrgName SIZE 300, 26 OF oDlg
@ 30, 318 BUTTON "..." OF oDlg SIZE 50, 50 ;
ACTION ( oGet1:VarPut( cPrgName := cGetFile( "Please select a PRG file", "*.prg" ) ),;
oGet1:Refresh() )
@ 86, 20 SAY "Additional" SIZE 80, 20 OF oDlg
@ 108, 20 FOLDER oFld1 PAGES "PRGs", "Cs", "OBJs", "LIBs", "HBCs" ;
SIZE 370, 210 OF oDlg flipped
@ 3, 16 BROWSE oBrwPrgs ;
FIELDS aPrgs[ oBrwPrgs:nArrayAt ][ 1 ],;
aPrgs[ oBrwPrgs:nArrayAt ][ 2 ],;
aPrgs[ oBrwPrgs:nArrayAt ][ 3 ] ;
HEADERS "Name", "Date", "Size" ;
COLSIZES 180, 85, 85 ;
OF oFld1:aDialogs[1] SIZE 320, 150 PIXEL
oBrwPrgs:SetArray( aPrgs )
oBrwPrgs:SetAlternateColor( .t. )
// oBrwPrgs:SetColorsForAlternate( CLR_TEXT, CLR_GRAY1 )
@ 114, 328 BUTTON "+" OF oDlg SIZE 35, 25 ;
ACTION MsgInfo( "add" )
@ 114, 350 BUTTON "-" OF oDlg SIZE 35, 25 ;
ACTION MsgInfo( "delete" )
@ 328, 13 SAY "Result" SIZE 80, 20 OF oDlg
@ 347, 20 GET oResult VAR cResult MEMO SIZE 363, 144 OF oDlg
@ 31, 412 BUTTON "Build" ;
SIZE 123, 50 OF oDlg ;
ACTION MsgInfo( "Not defined yet!" )
@ 87, 412 BUTTON "Settings" ;
SIZE 124, 50 OF oDlg ;
ACTION MsgInfo( "Not defined yet!" )
@ 143, 412 BUTTON "Exit" ;
SIZE 124, 50 OF oDlg ;
ACTION oDlg:End()
return oDlg