in my program the key VK_F2 has a general function. Generally it works perfectly. But since the upgrade to fwh1005 I get a message "oCol:bOnPostEdit not defined" when a x-browse window is opened an I press the F2-key.
I made following efforts to handle this change of behaviour:
- I found in the TxBrwColumn-class a data lOnPostEdit which doesn't seem to have any effect on this.
- Also I found the method nEditType which I called with oCol:nEditType(0) which doesn't show any effect as well
- Also I found in the xbrowse-class a data lEditMode. If I manually override it to lEditMode := .t., then the message won't be shown again. But the Key F2 is still not being evaluated... Besides, I think this information should not be changed manually.
Has anyone an idea how pressing F2 will evaluate the standard set for the whole program without xbrowse having any effect on it?