Dear Mr. Antonio,
Im using FWH v10.5 and latest xHarbour for BCC582
I tried to compile testzip.prg with these errors:
I already included hbzip.lib but still cannot compile.
I need Zip/Unzip function in my current project.
Function ExtractZip(cDriveLetter)
Local aFiles,lOk,cFolderName
// Zip and Unzip functions, should include the libs named HbZip & zlib available in \xHarbour\lib
cFolderName:=cDriveLetter+"\" // i.e c: or d:
// Creates an Array containing the list of files in the Test.Zip with Path
aFiles := hb_GetFilesInZip("Test")
// The 3rd Parameter should be .T. if you need to extract contents of zip file as per Path
lOk := hb_unzipfile("Test",,.T.,,cFolderName,aFiles,NIL)
Return lOk
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