In 10/6 i found, when i use oBrw:nStretchCol := STRETCHCOL_LAST the last column not exactly ends at the vertical sroll.
Always the columns end one pixel left of the right border of the browse. We may not call it a bug, because it was coded like that from the beginning. Yes, it is nice if the browse is painted not leaving that one pixel blank between the end of last column and the right border.
Another bug, when i resize a column with the mouse: The datas from the last column are not stretched to the right end of the browse. The header are stretched over the right end.
This is a bug and needs to be fixed
A question to datas with lenght > column width: Is it possible to automatically increase the datalines only for this datarow?
As of now, XBrowse ( or any other browse available for FWH ) does not support different row heights for different rows. Many times even I thought it would be nice to have this feature. But if we look at the source code of xbrowse.prg, it is not easy to provide this feature. But wish someday this can be made possible. Just like Excel
However if the length of the data exceeds the column width and the user increases the row height at runtime, the data is accommodated in multiple lines if we specify oCol:cDataType := 'M'.