I've just worked out how to reproduce a minor niggle i have when calling a menu popup in an xBrowse that has row selection enabled ( oBrw:nMarqueeStyle := MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROWMS )
Highlight the first record and then press and hold shift
Click on the last record and all rows between the start and end correctly get highlighted
Let go of shift and right click.
The problem is that if the mouse pointer has moved to another column between selecting the last record and pressing the right mouse button, the selected rows deselect themselves.
It would be nice that if you have a bPopup defined, when you right click (no matter where you are in the browse), the popup menu appears and all columns remain selected. Is this possible?
Best regards,
Just had a look at how excel handles this, if you select a set of rows and right click within the selected area, the popup menu appears with the columns still selected. If you right click out of the selected area, you lose the selection - I think this would be good if xBrowse worked this way - any thoughts?