I have richtext saved on memo fields. Sometimes I'd like to print just the text saved on the memo field. No richtext fonts and/or attributes. Just plain text. But don't want to go through the trouble and cpu time of defining the rtf control on screen before printing. Is it possible?
Example: Suppose I have this saved on the memo field:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ARIAL;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs19 The specimen is labeled "GALLBLADDER", is submitted in formalin and consists of a gallbladder measuring 9 cm in length x 2.5 cm in maximum diameter. The serosa is purple-tan and smooth. The gallbladder wall averages 0.2 cm in thickness. The mucosa is green and flattened. Within the lumen admixed with green viscid bile are multiple yellow granular calculi measuirng 3 x 2 x 0.3 cm in aggregate. (RSS 1 CASS) WVS:vsb \par
Would print this:
The specimen is lablel "GALLBLADDER", is submitted in formalin and consists of a gallbladder measuring 9 cm in lenght....
No fonts no attributes. Just the text.
Can some help?