Hi Otto and all others,
yes, there are a lot of situation where you need to browse additional text.
Here one example: In an order we want to show additional parts of
some positions and/or text, the user can toggle (show or not to show) the additional parts:
Browse ‘order positions’ with additional parts and text:
Browse ‘order positions’ without additional parts only with text:
(The screen shots are from our DOS-styled app, not yet migrated to FiveWin
In addition to the fixed height of the rows – as Mr. Rao explained - there is another limitation of the commonly known browses: For each row in the browse you need a record in the leading table (Alias). With other words: As far as I know, it’s
not possible to alter the leading table, you
can’t do something like this:
Row 1: table1->Field1… n
Row 2: table1->Field1…n
Row n:
Row n+k: table1->Field1…n
So all informations you want to browse, must have a (leading) record in the leading table. This applies also to memo text (fields): So, if you want to show (browse) the content of a memo text (field), you have to break down the content in a corresponding amount of records, that’s all!
To show how flexible and effective this approach is, let’s take a look at the following table:
Name C/32 – Name of anything
Sort N/2 – Sort number of all records belonging to <Name>
P01 C/32 – The first parameter/property/etc. you want to store for <Name>
P02 C/32 – The second parameter/property/etc. you want to store for <Name>
Pnn C/32 – The nn-th parameter/property/etc. you want to store for <Name>
Assuming that the fields <P01> … <Pnn> have very variable different lengths, e.g. from “” up to
3168 (99 * 32) characters, the corresponding browse can looks like :
Of course you can build a browse method to toggle between “show only first records of each <Name>”/”Show all records” as shown in the example ‘order positions’ and you can even simulate ‘
variable field length’ with DBF-tables!
Conclusion: There is no need to deal with memo fields. Quite contrary to: You have some big advantages, e.g. browsing, full text search, etc. Of course, you have some more expenditure by handling (Get - Show/Edit - Store) the additional fields and so on, but for me the advantages are convincingly.