friends who can help me, I'm using 11.4 and FWH xharbour1.21 sqlrdd + + firebird
I'm having the following problem:
ride browse through the code below, to receive the focus browse duplicates the first record, not showing the table data properly. I tried everything and nothing.
with more normal work with dbf sql sqrdd used commercial and firebird. records to focus on Rebecca xbrowse duplicate the first, and then clicking the first row. qo xbrowse the first time and shown the same thing happens. if they can help me, following my code below:
dbUseArea( .T., “SQLRDD”, “CONSULTA” )
REDEFINE xBrowse oBrwBuscaItem ID 4002 OF oDlgBuscaItem UPDATE ALIAS "CONSULTA"
oCol:= oBrwBuscaItem:AddCol()
oCol:cHeader := "Produto"
oCol:bStrData := {|| CONSULTA->DESCRICAO }
oCol:bRClickData := {|r,c,f,o| Msginfo("Right click on column data " + o:cHeader, "TXBrowse power") }
oCol:= oBrwBuscaItem:AddCol()
oCol:cHeader := "Unitário"
oCol:bStrData := {|| TRANSFORM( CONSULTA->PRVENDA, "@E 99,999.99" ) }
oCol:bRClickData := {|r,c,f,o| Msginfo("Right click on column data " + o:cHeader, "TXBrowse power") }
PRODUTOS->( oBrwBuscaItem:SetRDD() ) // not working
oBrwBuscaItem:Refresh( .T.) // not working