Thank you.
- Code: Select all Expand view
- procedure Dlg_Bit
local oDlg
local oBrush
local oSay
local cTest := "MESA NÚMERO"
local a
define brush oBrush file "..\bitmaps\cara.bmp"
define dialog odlg title "Test Say With bitmap Brush" brush oBrush size 400,400 PIXEL
for a := 1 to 5
cTest := "MESA NÚMERO "+ Str( a )
@ a+2,2 say oSay prompt cTest of oDlg SIZE 100, 130 COLOR CLR_WHITE transparent //PIXEL
next a
@ 10,120 button "Test" pixel action oSay:SetText( "Change Text")
ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED on init osay:refresh()