METHOD PrintBodyWithAttributes() CLASS PathologyTranscription
local cTitle := "Pathology Transcription " + hb_TokenUpper( Trim( ::oPat:Last ) + " " + ;
Trim( ::oPat:last2 ) + ", " + ::oPat: name )
local nFrom := 0
local a := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::ntop, ::nLeft )
local b := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::nRight, ::nBottom )
local isdone := .f.
local aoRtf := ::aRtfTranscriptions
local i := 1
local aRet, Elem
local nLen := 0
local aFont, nColor
local nTotPage := 0
::nLastLine := ::oPrn:Pix2Inch( a[ 1 ], 0 )[1]
While !isdone
while i < _MAX_AREAS +1 .and. aoRtf[ i ] == Nil
if i > _MAX_AREAS
RESetSelection( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, nFrom, -1)
nLen := Len( aoRtf[ i ]:GetSel() ) -1
aRet := REPrintBox( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, iif( ::isPreview, ::oPrn:hDCOut, ::oPrn:hDC ),.t., a[1 ], a[2], b[1], b[2], nFrom )
nFrom := aRet[ 1 ]
CASE nFrom < nlen //did not finish, must run over to next page
ntotPage++ ;aoRtf[i]:nPrintedPages++
::oprn:InchSay( 10.53, 7.5, "Page " + Str( nTotPage, 2 ), ::aFonts[ 1 ],,,, PAD_RIGHT )
::oprn:InchSay( 10.0, 4.25, "Continues on page " + str( nTotPage + 1, 2 ) + "...", ::ofont,,,, 2 )
::oprn:endPage() ;::oprn:Startpage()
a := ::oPrn:Inch2Pix( .60, 0.15 ) ;b := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( 10.5, 8.15 ) //Main Boxed area
::oprn:Box( a[ 1 ], a[ 2 ], b[ 1 ], b[ 2 ] ) //draw box around main area
::oprn:InchSay( 0.30, 0.50, "...continuation from page " + Str( nTotPage, 2 ), ::oFont )
::PrintForm( .f. )
::FillHeader1( .f. )
a := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::ntop, ::nLeft ) //new print region
b := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::nRight, ::nBottom ) //area for text
CASE i == 4
isdone := .t.
CASE i < len( aoRtf )
if !empty( aoRtf[ i ]:GetText() )
/*(aFont := REGetCharFormat( aoRtf[i]:hWnd, @nColor )
logfile( "f:\mp\trace.log", { ::oprn:Pix2Inch( aFont[ LF_HEIGHT ], 0 )[1], aoRtf[i]:GetLineFromChar( nFrom ) -nTmp } )
::nLastLine := ( ( ( aoRtf[i]:GetLineFromChar( nFrom ) - nTmp ) + 1 ) * ;
Max( ::oprn:Pix2Inch( aFont[ LF_HEIGHT ], 0 )[1], 0.10 ) ) + ;
iif( ntotPage > 0, 1.00, 4.69 ) */
::nLastLine := ::oPrn:Pix2Inch( aRet[ 2 ], 0 )[1]
::nlastline += 0.32 //couple of blank lines
i++ ;nFrom := 0
a := ::oprn:Inch2Pix( ::nLastLine, ::nLeft ) //new print region
// nTmp := 0
OTHERWISE //unknown problems --get the hell out
isdone := .t.
::oprn:InchSay( 10.53, 7.5, "Page " + Str( nTotPage+1, 2 ), ::aFonts[ 1 ],,,, PAD_RIGHT )
::nLastLine := ::oPrn:Pix2Inch( aRet[ 2 ], 0 )[ 1 ]
return nil