Dear Mr. Rao,
is it possible to color the columns when we use inline editing like shown in 2).
Thanks in advance
Is it also possible to set the color of the get field inside the column.
oCol := oBrw:AddCol()
oCol:cHeader := "Zoom"
oCol:nWidth := 38
oCol:cEditPicture := '9.9'
oCol:bEditValue := { || _FIELD->ZOOM }
oCol:nDataStyle := oCol:DefStyle( AL_RIGHT, .T.)
oCol:nEditType := EDIT_GET
oCol:bOnPostEdit := {|o, v| ( NET_RLOCK( 5, 5 ), ;
_FIELD->ZOOM := v, DBUNLOCK() ), ;
oBrw:Refresh(), oBrw:SetFocus() }
oCol:bClrstd := {|| { 16777215, 8421376 } } // White / Green 14248960 = blue
oCol:bClrEdit := {|| { 0, 255 } }
oCol:oEditFont := oFont3
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