@ 140,120 say "Title" of oDlg pixel
Actually displays at 290, 242 (measured with an on-screen pixel ruler).
I can create correction factors and get it to display properly.
140/292 = .48
120/242 = .50
So I can do:
@ (140 * .48), (120 * .50) say "Title" of oDlg pixel
And it will be displayed properly. But why is it not displaying at the correct location without conversion? Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug in the SAY class?
I am using FWH 13.04 and BCC 5.82.
Antonio, Nages, anyone?
- Code: Select all Expand view
- // Sample program showing problem with PIXEL clause of SAY command
#include ""
Function main()
Local oDlg, oFont, oSay1, oSay2
define font oFont name "Arial" size 0,-25
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg size 600, 400
// Actually displayed at 290, 242
@ 140, 120 SAY oSay1 PROMPT "Title" ;
font oFont OF oDlg PIXEL
@ (140 * .48 ) , 120 * .5 say oSay2 ;
PROMPT "Title w/ conversion" ;
font oFont of oDlg PIXEL
release font oFont
return nil