FWH 64 promotional offer

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Antonio Linares
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FWH 64 promotional offer

Post by Antonio Linares »

As we want to promote FWH 64 bits use, as a special promotional offer, FWH 64 bits will be available from today until May 15 for the special price of 125 euros.

Simply go to http://www.fivetechsoft.com select FWH 64 and though it will appear with its standard 290 euros price, we will only charge 125 euros if you order it from today till May 15

FWH 64 bits power! :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: FWH 64 promotional offer

Post by Antonio Linares »


No changes required (only in very rare cases), just get FWH 64 and you will have your 64 bits app ready :-)

Technically there is no a sensible difference unless your app is related with multimedia and/or manages a lot of data, as each architecture is able to manage different amounts of memory chunks. 64 bits is the best to manage large amounts of data in terms of speed and efficiency as it can handle it all at once.

And probably the strongest reason is a commercial reason as many 64 bits computers are being sold these days so the users are aware of 64 bits already and their sense is that it is the most advanced technology so if you offer a 64 bits version of your app to your customers they will see it as a technical improvement of your work and they may be willing to pay for it. In other words, with a minimum work on your side you can get a new sale very easily :-)

No hay que cambiar nada (solo en casos excepcionales) solo recompilar usando FWH 64 y tendreis vuestra aplicación de 64 bits lista .-)

Tecnicamente no hay una diferencia apreciable salvo que tu aplicación este relacionada con la multimedia y/ó si usa grandes cantidades de datos, puesto que cada arquitectura es capaz de usar diferentes cantidades de memoria. 64 bits es la mejor manera de usar grandes cantidades de datos en terminos de eficiencia puesto que puede manejar muchois datos a la vez.

Y probablemente la razón de más peso es una razón comercial puesto que hoy en dia se venden muchos ordenadores de 64 bits con versiones de Windows de 64 bits y los usuarios tienen la impresión de que tecnologicamente es la solución más avanzada y moderna, por lo que si le ofreceis una versión de 64 bits lo verán como un avance técnico de vuestro trabajo y estarán dispuestos a pagar por ello. En pocas palabras, con un esfuerzo mínimo por vuestra parte generareis nuevas ventas facilmente :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: FWH 64 promotional offer

Post by IBTC »

Is it possible to use FWH 64 together with Harbour64 and MinGWx64?
Best Regards,
Ruediger Alich

HMG 3.1.3 | FTDN/FWH 13.12 | Harbour 3.2 | BCC/MinGW | Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32/64-Bit), Wine (Linux/Mac) - started 1999 with FW, 1989 with Clipper
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Re: FWH 64 promotional offer

Post by Antonio Linares »


We omly support (free) Microsoft Visual Studio as it works really fine
regards, saludos

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Re: FWH 64 promotional offer

Post by vilian »


Already exists for RDDADS version of FWH 64?
Vilian F. Arraes
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Re: FWH 64 promotional offer

Post by George »

Last year I did the change from xHarbour builder Pro to FWH64.
I tested Advantage Database 64 bits and is working fine.
So far I have no issue at all as any of Windows control, which I am using in xHarbour pro, are working fine with FWH64.
Also a few C language modules, which I developed for a chess software prototype that I am working on my spare time to test FWH64 capabilities and speed, are working flawless.



Last edited by George on Wed May 07, 2014 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FWH 64 promotional offer

Post by Antonio Linares »


Wow, really nice, congratulations! :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: FWH 64 promotional offer

Post by dutch »

Dear Antonio,

How about third party library are compatible with HB64bits. Because I have used SBUTTON, TWBROWSE, EZTW32 (Twain32) and RDDADS.

FWH 19.01 / xHarbour Simplex 1.2.3 / BCC73 / Pelles C / UEStudio
FWPPC 10.02 / Harbour for PPC (FTDN)
ADS V.9 / MySql / MariaDB
R&R 12 Infinity / Crystal Report XI R2
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Re: FWH 64 promotional offer

Post by Biel EA6DD »

Ruy Lopez :wink: , very nice work George, FiveChess looks good.

George wrote:Last year I did the change from xHarbour builder Pro to FWH64.
I tested Advantage Database 32 and 64 bits and both are working.
So far I have no issue at all as any of Windows control, which I am using in xHarbour pro, are working fine with FWH64.
Also a few C language modules, which I developed for a chess software prototype that I am working on my spare time to test FWH64 capabilities and speed, are working flawless.



Saludos desde Mallorca
Biel Maimó
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Re: FWH 64 promotional offer

Post by George »

Thanks Antonio and Biel for your comments.
Developing a software to play chess is a very complex and time consuming task.
The main reason that I started developing this software is, as an experiment, to try FWH64 capabilities by developing some algorithms that can work in 64 bits
By using a 64 bits capable language, as FWH64 is, the chess board can be represented as a 64 bits word where each position represent a square.
In figure below we can see the "BitBoard" (AKA Bit Maps) for white knights (WN) positions represented in chess diagram above. The 1's represent the White Knights
We can know if a WN is attacking a Black Piece by using bitwise operators. By example using the AND bitwise operator between a bitboard representing
all squares attacked by a knight in f3 position, and a bitboard representing all black pieces, if the result is 1 the Knight is attacking a black piece,
otherwise if the result is 0 no black piece is being attacked by the Knight in f3 position. All others attack can be analyzed also by using Bitboards.

The advantage of using the 64 bit approach is that by using Bitwise operator we get the fastest possible speed (faster than using RAM memory) and a more efficient code.

In some circunstance this approach can be used in database applications.
Let's say we have a huge database (big data) with millions of records, where each record represent customer's information including 40
attributes for each customer. We could avoid adding the 40 fields (one for each attribute) by substituting these fields by just one CHAR field
where we can put the binary representation in Hexadecimal format (setting the bit in accordance with the atribute) and apply any bitwise operation to this data.
Last edited by George on Tue May 06, 2014 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FWH 64 promotional offer

Post by Antonio Linares »


If you have the source code of those libraries then you can recompile them in 64 bits, if not, then you have to ask their developers :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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