yes, I saw it too, but that couldn't be a recent change.
Anyhow, its solved
many thanks for your feedback
Antonio Linares wrote:Enrico,
yes, I saw it too, but that couldn't be a recent change.
Antonio Linares wrote:Anyhow, its solved
many thanks for your feedback
f oItem != nil
MenuMeasureItem( pMitStruct,;
0.9 * GetTextWidth( 0, If( ! Empty( oItem:cPrompt ),;
StrTran( oItem:cPrompt, "&", "" ), "" ) ) + ;
If( oItem:oMenu:hMenu != If( ::oMenu != nil, ::oMenu:hMenu, 0 ), ;
if( ValType( oItem:cPrompt ) == "C", if( chr( 9 )$oItem:cPrompt, 55, 55 ), 0 ), 0 ) ,; // Changed to 55 from 100
Empty( oItem:cPrompt ) )
else // + 20 introduced due Error on NT on width calculation 1999/05/19
if IsMenuItem( pMitStruct )
MenuMeasureItem( pMitStruct,, IsMISeparator( pMitStruct ) )
return .f. // default behavior
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