autentication via Finger print or Face
autentication via Finger print or Face
I wonder if anyone has developed and wants to share or sell routines to authenticate users either by fingerprint or face.
I await your comments. Thank you very much.
I wonder if anyone has developed and wants to share or sell routines to authenticate users either by fingerprint or face.
I await your comments. Thank you very much.
- Antonio Linares
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Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
George Abinader amablemente ha donado esta clase para leer Fingerprint "Griaule" que desarrolló Pablo Botella hace unos años para él.
No la he probado, pero George me ha comentado que él la uso en su momento y le funcionó bien
George Abinader amablemente ha donado esta clase para leer Fingerprint "Griaule" que desarrolló Pablo Botella hace unos años para él.
No la he probado, pero George me ha comentado que él la uso en su momento y le funcionó bien

Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
Many thanks Antonio, I am going to review it.
By the way, who is Pablo Botella?. It seems he is also a great C++ programmer.
Many thanks Antonio, I am going to review it.
By the way, who is Pablo Botella?. It seems he is also a great C++ programmer.
- Antonio Linares
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Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
Pablo was an advanced FWH and Harbour user, I haven't got news from him lately, so not sure what is he involved in now 

- Pablo Botella
- Posts: 3
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Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
El amigo Hector Pezoa que está al tanto de todo lo que ocurre en el planeta y alrededores me pegó este link en mi skype a ver si me pitaban los oídos
Con el lector de MS no hay otra que usar Griulle, y como esta dll usa sus propios threads para ejecutar los callbacks pues me tocó tanto para Osvaldo con Alaska como para George con Harbour hacer una funcioncita que hiciera post a una ventana y así iba al thread principal. Con el ActiveX imagino que esto no hará falta.
De todas formas luego para otro proyecto encontré este lector ... 00-Reader/ que sale barato y trae ya su API sin tener que pagar royalties y hasta un par de funcioncitas con dialogos para hacer el enroll y otro para capturar la huella para hacer login, hará 4 años me costó como unos 50 EUR
Hacía tiempo que no tenía oportunidad de saludar a mi maestro Antonio, así que aprovecho para enviarle un abrazo
El amigo Hector Pezoa que está al tanto de todo lo que ocurre en el planeta y alrededores me pegó este link en mi skype a ver si me pitaban los oídos

Con el lector de MS no hay otra que usar Griulle, y como esta dll usa sus propios threads para ejecutar los callbacks pues me tocó tanto para Osvaldo con Alaska como para George con Harbour hacer una funcioncita que hiciera post a una ventana y así iba al thread principal. Con el ActiveX imagino que esto no hará falta.
De todas formas luego para otro proyecto encontré este lector ... 00-Reader/ que sale barato y trae ya su API sin tener que pagar royalties y hasta un par de funcioncitas con dialogos para hacer el enroll y otro para capturar la huella para hacer login, hará 4 años me costó como unos 50 EUR
Hacía tiempo que no tenía oportunidad de saludar a mi maestro Antonio, así que aprovecho para enviarle un abrazo
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 7170
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
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Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
now i'm seeing botella files and I saw perhaps we not need grfinger.dll
because botella add many function c on source as you can read the information on digitalpersona CD DISK when you purchase the hardaware fingerprint
I'd like to Knwow wich hardware are compatible with this botella's class griaule. thank you
because botella add many function c on source as you can read the information on digitalpersona CD DISK when you purchase the hardaware fingerprint
I'd like to Knwow wich hardware are compatible with this botella's class griaule. thank you
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
- Pablo Botella
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:07 am
- Location: Spain
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Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
I suspect you mixing concepts here, Griaulle's library provide a generic encapsulation to support several fingerprint readers on the market, and probably will support also digitalpersona readers.
The purpose of the stuff that George was hire me to develop was a mere wrapper to solve some issues using the Griaulle library, but not to replace it, so GrFinger.dll is required
Another unrelated way to handle Digital Persona is just using the DLLs provided at the Digital Persona CD, I was not used with Harbour but will not be dificult. DLL functions that launching callbacks may use different threads like in the Griaulle library, but as an option there is provided also another DLL 2 UI functions to show the enrollment and login dialogs that provide their own callbacks, so will be so easy to include in your application without the need to be aware about threads. The other API functions can be called like any other DLL function without any special requeriment. Digital Persona SDK provide also an ActiveX encapsulation of all this stuff, so even is easy to these DLL functions directly, you have also an alternate option.
I suspect you mixing concepts here, Griaulle's library provide a generic encapsulation to support several fingerprint readers on the market, and probably will support also digitalpersona readers.
The purpose of the stuff that George was hire me to develop was a mere wrapper to solve some issues using the Griaulle library, but not to replace it, so GrFinger.dll is required
Another unrelated way to handle Digital Persona is just using the DLLs provided at the Digital Persona CD, I was not used with Harbour but will not be dificult. DLL functions that launching callbacks may use different threads like in the Griaulle library, but as an option there is provided also another DLL 2 UI functions to show the enrollment and login dialogs that provide their own callbacks, so will be so easy to include in your application without the need to be aware about threads. The other API functions can be called like any other DLL function without any special requeriment. Digital Persona SDK provide also an ActiveX encapsulation of all this stuff, so even is easy to these DLL functions directly, you have also an alternate option.
Last edited by Pablo Botella on Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 7170
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
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Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
Please someone can help me
Progetto: Test, Ambiente: xFive_Pelles:
[1]:iLink32.Exe -Gn -aa -Tpe -s @Test.bcl
Turbo Incremental Link 5.69 Copyright (c) 1997-2005 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_funcname' referenced from C:\WORK\ERRORI\GRIAULE\OBJ\XHBGRFINGER.OBJ
error in this line 421
#define GR_API_HB_FUNC( funcname ) \
Progetto: Test, Ambiente: xFive_Pelles:
[1]:iLink32.Exe -Gn -aa -Tpe -s @Test.bcl
Turbo Incremental Link 5.69 Copyright (c) 1997-2005 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_funcname' referenced from C:\WORK\ERRORI\GRIAULE\OBJ\XHBGRFINGER.OBJ
error in this line 421
#define GR_API_HB_FUNC( funcname ) \
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
- Pablo Botella
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:07 am
- Location: Spain
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Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
error in this line 421
#define GR_API_HB_FUNC( funcname ) \
try to remove the \ and join lines in case related to this
- Silvio.Falconi
- Posts: 7170
- Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm
- Been thanked: 5 times
Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
With Harbour 3.4
these errors
With xharbour
these errors
Code: Select all | Expand
Warning W8065 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 556: Call to function 'ISBLOCK' with no prototype in function _hb_GetParamCbCopy
Warning W8065 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 563: Call to function 'ISNIL' with no prototype in function _hb_GetParamCopy
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 801: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRSETLICENSEFOLDER
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 807: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRINSTALLLICENSE
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 821: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRCREATECONTEXT
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 834: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRVERIFY
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 835: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRVERIFY
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 839: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRVERIFY
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 846: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRIDENTIFYPREPARE
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 852: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRIDENTIFY
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 853: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRIDENTIFY
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 872: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETIDENTIFYPARAMETERS
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 873: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETIDENTIFYPARAMETERS
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 882: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETVERIFYPARAMETERS
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 883: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETVERIFYPARAMETERS
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 911: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRCAPSTARTCAPTURE
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 931: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRCAPSTOPCAPTURE
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 932: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRCAPSTOPCAPTURE
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 957: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRCAPLOADIMAGEFROMFILE
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 970: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRCAPRAWIMAGETOHANDLE
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 978: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRBIOMETRICDISPLAY
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 979: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRBIOMETRICDISPLAY
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 994: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETGRFINGERVERSION
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 995: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETGRFINGERVERSION
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1004: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRCONVERTTEMPLATE
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1005: Extra parameter in call to hb_storc in function hb_staticGRCONVERTTEMPLATE
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1006: Extra parameter in call to hb_storclen in function hb_staticGRCONVERTTEMPLATE
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1018: Extra parameter in call to hb_storc in function hb_staticGREXTRACTEX
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1019: Extra parameter in call to hb_storclen in function hb_staticGREXTRACTEX
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1026: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticCGRBASE64TOBIN
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1040: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticCGRBIN2BASE64
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1055: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRISBASE64ENCODING
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1072: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRENROLL
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1073: Extra parameter in call to hb_storc in function hb_staticGRENROLL
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1074: Extra parameter in call to hb_storclen in function hb_staticGRENROLL
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1081: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGR_SET_SENSOR_CARGO
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1089: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGR_GET_SENSOR_CARGO
*** 17 errors in Compile ***
With xharbour
Code: Select all | Expand
Lines 403, Functions/Procedures 45, pCodes 3197
[1]:Bcc32.Exe -M -c -O2 -tW -v- -X -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF -DHB_NO_DEFAULT_API_MACROS -DHB_NO_DEFAULT_STACK_MACROS -DHB_OS_WIN_32 -IC:\Work\fwh\include -IC:\Work\bcc582\Include;c:\work\xHarbour\Include -nObj Obj\xhbGrFinger.c
Borland C++ 5.82 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2005 Borland
Error E2206 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 423: Illegal character '#' (0x23)
Error E2449 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 423: Size of 'hb_static' is unknown or zero
Error E2141 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 423: Declaration syntax error
Error E2206 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 426: Illegal character '#' (0x23) in function HB_FUN_funcname
Warning W8019 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 426: Code has no effect in function HB_FUN_funcname
Error E2379 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 426: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN_funcname
Error E2206 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 437: Illegal character '#' (0x23)
Error E2449 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 437: Size of 'hb_static' is unknown or zero
Error E2141 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 437: Declaration syntax error
Error E2040 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 795: Declaration terminated incorrectly
*** 9 errors in Compile ***
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
No consigo que lea la huella. Donde se le indica el modelo de lector por favor ?
No consigo que lea la huella. Donde se le indica el modelo de lector por favor ?
Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
Silvio.Falconi wrote:With Harbour 3.4
these errorsCode: Select all | Expand
Warning W8065 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 556: Call to function 'ISBLOCK' with no prototype in function _hb_GetParamCbCopy
Warning W8065 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 563: Call to function 'ISNIL' with no prototype in function _hb_GetParamCopy
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 801: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRSETLICENSEFOLDER
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 807: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRINSTALLLICENSE
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 821: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRCREATECONTEXT
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 834: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRVERIFY
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 835: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRVERIFY
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 839: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRVERIFY
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 846: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRIDENTIFYPREPARE
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 852: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRIDENTIFY
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 853: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRIDENTIFY
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 872: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETIDENTIFYPARAMETERS
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 873: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETIDENTIFYPARAMETERS
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 882: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETVERIFYPARAMETERS
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 883: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETVERIFYPARAMETERS
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 911: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRCAPSTARTCAPTURE
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 931: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRCAPSTOPCAPTURE
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 932: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRCAPSTOPCAPTURE
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 957: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRCAPLOADIMAGEFROMFILE
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 970: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRCAPRAWIMAGETOHANDLE
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 978: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRBIOMETRICDISPLAY
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 979: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRBIOMETRICDISPLAY
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 994: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETGRFINGERVERSION
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 995: Extra parameter in call to hb_stornl in function hb_staticGRGETGRFINGERVERSION
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1004: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRCONVERTTEMPLATE
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1005: Extra parameter in call to hb_storc in function hb_staticGRCONVERTTEMPLATE
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1006: Extra parameter in call to hb_storclen in function hb_staticGRCONVERTTEMPLATE
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1018: Extra parameter in call to hb_storc in function hb_staticGREXTRACTEX
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1019: Extra parameter in call to hb_storclen in function hb_staticGREXTRACTEX
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1026: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticCGRBASE64TOBIN
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1040: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticCGRBIN2BASE64
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1055: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRISBASE64ENCODING
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1072: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGRENROLL
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1073: Extra parameter in call to hb_storc in function hb_staticGRENROLL
Error E2227 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1074: Extra parameter in call to hb_storclen in function hb_staticGRENROLL
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1081: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGR_SET_SENSOR_CARGO
Warning W8075 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 1089: Suspicious pointer conversion in function hb_staticGR_GET_SENSOR_CARGO
*** 17 errors in Compile ***
With xharbourCode: Select all | Expand
Lines 403, Functions/Procedures 45, pCodes 3197
[1]:Bcc32.Exe -M -c -O2 -tW -v- -X -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF -DHB_NO_DEFAULT_API_MACROS -DHB_NO_DEFAULT_STACK_MACROS -DHB_OS_WIN_32 -IC:\Work\fwh\include -IC:\Work\bcc582\Include;c:\work\xHarbour\Include -nObj Obj\xhbGrFinger.c
Borland C++ 5.82 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2005 Borland
Error E2206 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 423: Illegal character '#' (0x23)
Error E2449 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 423: Size of 'hb_static' is unknown or zero
Error E2141 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 423: Declaration syntax error
Error E2206 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 426: Illegal character '#' (0x23) in function HB_FUN_funcname
Warning W8019 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 426: Code has no effect in function HB_FUN_funcname
Error E2379 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 426: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN_funcname
Error E2206 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 437: Illegal character '#' (0x23)
Error E2449 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 437: Size of 'hb_static' is unknown or zero
Error E2141 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 437: Declaration syntax error
Error E2040 Source\\xhbGrFinger.prg 795: Declaration terminated incorrectly
*** 9 errors in Compile ***
Hello everyone
I have the same problem of silvio . someone managed to solve ?
Marcelo Ferro da Silveira
Fwh14.04/xHarbour 1.2.3 Simplex / Bcc582 / Pelles 8
SqlLib /xMate/WS
Fwh14.04/xHarbour 1.2.3 Simplex / Bcc582 / Pelles 8
SqlLib /xMate/WS
- karinha
- Posts: 7952
- Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:36 pm
- Location: São Paulo - Brasil
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Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
Marca, você incorporou a DLL da Griaule?
Marca, you entered the DLL Griaule?
Marca, you entered the DLL Griaule?
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
João. Olhe ai que se quer passa da compilação.
Marcelo Ferro da Silveira
Fwh14.04/xHarbour 1.2.3 Simplex / Bcc582 / Pelles 8
SqlLib /xMate/WS
Fwh14.04/xHarbour 1.2.3 Simplex / Bcc582 / Pelles 8
SqlLib /xMate/WS
- karinha
- Posts: 7952
- Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:36 pm
- Location: São Paulo - Brasil
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Re: autentication via Finger print or Face
Talvez, maybe:
Regards, saludos.
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
Function Main()
Local contextId,Ret
// lChDir("C:\Arquivos de programas\Griaule\GrFinger 4.1 FREE\bin")
xLib := LoadLibrary( "GrFingerX.dll" )
// ? ret
DLL32 FUNCTION GrCreateContext(@contextId As _INT) AS _INT PASCAL LIB xLib
Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341