I am able to build a program with a browse, but i have a few questions.
1. Is it possible to change the fontcolor for specific rows. When a plantID is ending on 0 fontcolor black and if plantID is ending on 1 fontcolor grey. PlantID is a field in the table
2. When the browse is active I can scroll using keys, but if I try to scroll with my mouse the app crashes with the following message:
Unrecoverable error 9015: Symbol item expected from hb_vmDo()
Called from DBSKIP(0)
Called from TWBROWSE:GETVALUE(276) in source/classes/browse.prg
Called from TWINDOW:HANDLEEVENT(592) in source/classes/window.prg
Called from _FMH(676) in source/classes/window.prg
Called from TWINDOW:FINDCONTROL(434) in source/classes/window.prg
Called from TWINDOW:HANDLEEVENT(514) in source/classes/window.prg
Called from _FMH(676) in source/classes/window.prg
Called from WNDRUN(0)
Called from TWINDOW:ACTIVATE(266) in source/classes/window.prg
3. Is it possible to change the app icon. Now it is allways the FiveMac eye, but I want to use my own icon.