I want to make a program for my football club. A Member system that can be accessed from several computers by the coaches.
Who can share the basic start code to get me going? Once this setup to work, i can create the rest ...
Setup :
There a several options possible, but in FWH there is one where we don't need to install any extra software on the coaches computers.
Only the folder with my program would be the most easy thing to install.
My program won't need high level security, complex sql's, more a pretty simple membership software.
That option if possible for the start sample.
Login to a online database (One Database = Members, with one of the field 'Team' Like Team1,Team2,Team3,...)
User gets a level for data access (4 levels needed) Coache for Team 3 (only sees the members in team 3)
Scope selected data that they only see Team 3
Start XBrowse with this data
From there, I can start. (So the connection and the login is most important)
Two extra functions :
The scope for selecting only team1
A loop for updating data like
replace member->naam with cNaam
replace member-data with dDate
My thanks for any working sample.
BTW : For this club i'm doing it :