---------------------------------------------- NEW VERSION 16 / 03/2019 ----------------------------------------------
https://bitbucket.org/fivetech/fivewin- ... IVEDIT.EXE- Improvements in the selection of lexers for each file opened in the same session of FE
Now you can have in the same session of FE open files of different lexers (prg, c, cxx, php, html) and reopen them with the lexer that you choose
Before I did it too but you had to select the option "Automatic lexers", and in that case, I applied the corresponding lexer according to the file extension.
But, for example, it did not allow you to choose FLAGSHIP as lexer of the prgs. Now you can choose the lexer you want to apply to any file as long as the "Automatic Lexers" option is not selected.
- Compilation improvements with MinGw
- Several minor bug fixes