now it is possible to use mod harbour include files also inside an include file.
mod harbour patcher supports:
|- for comments
-> link to include file
&- start line
-& end of line
Best regards,
Code: Select all | Expand
|- row wird in tablegebuchtezimmer angehängt
$(".data-gebuchtTbl tbody").append( "
<tr data-menge='" + MengeAuswahl +"' data-beschreibung='"+cBeschreibung+"' data-preis='"+preis+"' data-summe='"+summe+"' data-id='"+id+"'>
<td style='visibility:hidden;'>" + id + "</td>
|- alle 3 Werte sind in einer Spalte
<td>"+cmenge+"</td><td><b>"+cZiBezeichnung +"</b><br> "+ cBeschreibung+"</td>
<td><button class='btn btn-info btn-xs btn-deletebooking'>Buchung entfernen</button></td>
is automatically patched to this.
Code: Select all | Expand
$(".data-gebuchtTbl tbody").append( "<tr data-menge='" + MengeAuswahl +"' data-beschreibung='"+cBeschreibung+"' data-preis='"+preis+"' data-summe='"+summe+"' data-id='"+id+"'><td style='visibility:hidden;'>" + id + "</td><td>"+cmenge+"</td><td><b>"+cZiBezeichnung +"</b><br> "+ cBeschreibung+"</td><td>"+email+"</td><td><button class='btn btn-info btn-xs btn-deletebooking'>Buchung entfernen</button></td></tr>");
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web