Testing Mod-harbour and Mercury

mod_harbour is an Apache module that allows to run PRGs directly on the web !!!

Testing Mod-harbour and Mercury

Postby dakosimo » Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:54 pm

I am trying to migrate my desktop Harbour app into Mod-harbour and Mercury web app.

Until now found next issues:

1.It appears that IF a==b (also IF ALLTRIM(a)==ALLTRIM(b)) do not work, but IF a=b works. Both vars a and b are string variables with exactly same value.

2.As I have some functions that work with arrays, Mercury informs me about error displaying my code and message:
Description Bound error
Operation array access
Subsytem BASE
Is it possible to have line number where error occurs ? That function have many lines of code, it is hard to find line with error.

3.Will PRIVATE variables in PRGs work same as in desktop Harbour app. Do I need to eliminate PRIVATE vars and use function parameters instead ?

Thank you and Best regards.

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Re: Testing Mod-harbour and Mercury

Postby Carles » Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:17 pm


Mercury has nothing to do with it is a harbour issue. I would have to investigate what each variable has

What version of Mercury do you use? In version 1.08 the error system was expanded

I think that it is best to always use functions and their local variables.

Salutacions, saludos, regards

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Re: Testing Mod-harbour and Mercury

Postby dakosimo » Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:20 pm

Hi Carles.
I am working with Version: Mercury v1.08b.
I cured my errors, it takes more time then if I had closer error location, but I practiced myself to work in this situation.
I tried to use my old code which contains some PRIVATE vars, and it also works ! Agree that it is better to reorganize my code not to use private vars.
Your PDF book is great !
Thanks and Best regards.
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