Hi Guys,
I have four images(img1.jpg,img2.jpg,img3.jpg,img4.jpg) that I wanted arrange in a new image(imgx.jpg). do you how could I do this?
function StitchImages()
local cImage1 := "c:\fwh\bitmaps\olga1.jpg" // 352x450
local cImage2 := "c:\fwh\bitmaps\olga2.jpg" // 352x450
local cImage3 := "https://cf.bstatic.com/images/hotel/max1024x768/223/223087771.jpg" // 1024x683
local hBmp
hBmp := FW_MakeYourBitmap( 704, 450+470, <|hDC|
FW_DrawImage( hDC, cImage1, { 0, 0, 450, 352 } )
FW_DrawImage( hDC, cImage2, { 0, 352, 450, 704 } )
FW_DrawImage( hDC, cImage3, { 450, 0, 920, 704 } )
return nil
> )
FW_SaveImage( hBmp, "new.jpg", 50 )
Deleteobject( hBmp )
XIMAGE( "new.jpg" )
return nil
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