EasyReport progress?

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »

Hello Silvio,
I think your suggestion to work on an online report generator is a good one. I've made an attempt with TinyMCE.
I will follow this path.
I have to check if I should convert the html file to EasyReport or to print the HTML reports directly.

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »

I will test now to print the HTML file with the help of this topic:

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by TimStone »

The Easy Report project was for a desktop library that we could include in our own applications. Many of us contributed years ago to fund this project and it was never completed.

While I appreciate your "web based" concept, I personally would like to see the original committment completed. Many of us still serve clients for whom web based is not a good option due to poor service connections or low speeds.

It has been many years since this project was promised, and it hasn't happened. I would certainly like to see it become a priority once again. At the time we funded two projects through donations. The other was a full Visual Studio integration. Neither one was ever funded. At least give us the report generator that we can incorporate in our applications that allows our clients to build their own custom printouts.
Tim Stone
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »

Hello Tim,
I would not have suspected that you have such internet problems in the USA. The companies here are usually connected via landline and then have a failover via a SIM card.
One can assume a very high availability.
Just today, I exchanged an email with Silvio, and he told me that he already has 5G. With 5G, self-driving cars should also be safe on the road.
So I think internet will have a future.
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by TimStone »


It is a well documented fact that we do, in fact, have internet issues. My connection is good but many of my clients have very poor service. The cost for a hardwired connection is excessive for many companies. If there is not a cable to their building, it can cost in excess of $35,000 US to have just a cable run. Otherwise they have the old, slow DSL, telephone wire service and very limited bandwidth. Some of my clients actually have to do a wi-fi connection to a tower in line of sight, and that service is often spotty. When the internet goes out, it can be down for several days before a technician can come out, and I've heard of the repair time taking weeks with very limited results.

So, yes, it is a significant problem. My clients, using their own "server" ( which can be a workstation also ), NEVER have problems and their system is always available when a customer walks in the door ( unless their server is destroyed ... and even then I can get them up in less than an hour with a new computer ).

Security is also another prime issue for them. Some have been hit with ransomware ( though they never have to pay since I have their systems backup data every night and send it to a special off site server ...and I can have them back up and running within 15 minutes of them providing a clean drive ).

Internet is the way of the future, but there are many issues remaining to be resolved ... at least here.

Tim Stone
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »

Hello Tim,
Our government has an extensive rural development program. There are high subsidies. We pay 50 € for establishing the fiber optic connection.

>My clients, using their own "server" (which can be a workstation also), NEVER have problems and their system is always available when a customer walks in the door (unless their server is destroyed ... and even then I can get them up in less than an hour with a new computer).

That is exactly what you can do with mod harbor. You can run it as localhost.

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »

Tim, have you seen the discussion on https://www.facebook.com/groups/modharbour.club
This addresses localhost vs. internet.
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by TimStone »


I am following that conversation on Facebook. It is interesting, and I will explore modharbour when I have time.

I know you are a huge fan of that program. However, I have yet to see an internet based program that handles the comprehensive dialogs that my clients expect. My application does not fail. We have an old saying "IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON"T FIX IT".

It would take well over a year for me to reprogram what I have under mod-harbour. At this stage in my life, that is a huge investment of time, and frankly, the likelihood of a return on my investment is very small. I would be interested in exploring it ( perhaps ) for smaller projects, but not to rewrite a highly comprehensive business management system.

The other major problem you have with mod_harbour is the "rate of adoption". We could all hope, but frankly speaking, it is not likely to gain a lot of traction in the development world. Other languages are so well established, and platforms exist to serve them readily. If a person has the time, it probably would be better spent learning, and developing with, a language that is more universally accepted. This would give programmers more employment options should their current work end.

So, I would still suggest it is best to first finish the project at hand that has been sitting there for a very long time, and which was promised, before abandoning it for a new direction. I hope you can respect the need for this.

Tim Stone
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »

That reminds me of the DOS vs. WINDOWS discussions. How needs WINDOWS? You can't do in WINDOWS all that what we have in DOS, etc.

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

The difference is that web programming is definitely not a new concept. I develop web application since 1998!

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »

Enrico, you are right.

But now there is the infrastructure. Here in Sillian the whole village is now connected to the internet with fiber optics.
Silvio wrote to me that he already has a 5G smartphone.
The market is ready.
We have mod harbour.
It is so great that we can use mod harbour in parallel on the same machine and can start developing web APPs sharing the same DBF files.

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:The difference is that web programming is definitely not a new concept. I develop web application since 1998!


I too honestly build web applications at first in 1998 in Asp language (with dbf and with Mdb) which today is no longer fashionable.
Today there is the rush to make web applications, after the advent of Wordpress and Woocomerce.
Now the whole Harbor / fwh community has entered the web world with mod_harbour
But if we still don't have an important utility like a powerful report designer how could we go to the web
are desktop applications gone? , I can not believe it is just a fashion in a while it passes and returns as before ......

Also Here in Teramo the whole city is now connected to the internet with fiber optics.
If we have optical fiber in Teramo, I am sure that it first arrived in big cities like Rome for example Isn't that right, Enrico?
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

Otto wrote:Enrico, you are right.

But now there is the infrastructure.

What I meant is that today most of the web programmers don't need of a new programming tool at all. It's a completely different situation if compared with the migration from DOS to Windows. Nobody needs to migrate anywhere today. The partial migration did already take place decades ago.

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:
Otto wrote:Enrico, you are right.

But now there is the infrastructure.

What I meant is that today most of the web programmers don't need of a new programming tool at all. It's a completely different situation if compared with the migration from DOS to Windows. Nobody needs to migrate anywhere today. The partial migration did already take place decades ago.



Otto meant that now it is possible to use Harbor functions and commands and create prg directly on the web even
if I find it very difficult to make a simple little program to understand how it works, it will take me years,
if instead they made a language similar to the one we

we do every day maybe it was better than type

Code: Select all | Expand

#include "Fiveweb.ch"
      define web oWeb TiTle "test"
               msginfo ("Hello")
activate web oweb
return nil
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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