TDatabase Class
- Rick Lipkin
- Posts: 2675
- Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:50 pm
- Location: Columbia, South Carolina USA
Re: TDatabase Class
Dear Rick
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
- Rick Lipkin
- Posts: 2675
- Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:50 pm
- Location: Columbia, South Carolina USA
Re: TDatabase Class
Any documentation and examples ...
1) I want to create a Database as oDbf and pass oDbf much like we do with Ado .. oRs
2) How do I set a filter ? .. are the oDbf:Filters as fast as with ADO ? oDbf:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'" ?
3) How to I extract a oDBf field Value ? oDBf:Fields("Whatever"):Value ??
4) How to I create and use index's .. Like .cdx ( tags )
5) Reference oDbf in xBrowse() ?
I know I can probably look for examples in the forum .. The five things I need to get started are the questions above.
Any documentation and examples ...
1) I want to create a Database as oDbf and pass oDbf much like we do with Ado .. oRs
2) How do I set a filter ? .. are the oDbf:Filters as fast as with ADO ? oDbf:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'" ?
3) How to I extract a oDBf field Value ? oDBf:Fields("Whatever"):Value ??
4) How to I create and use index's .. Like .cdx ( tags )
5) Reference oDbf in xBrowse() ?
I know I can probably look for examples in the forum .. The five things I need to get started are the questions above.
- James Bott
- Posts: 4840
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- Location: San Diego, California, USA
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Re: TDatabase Class
Go here and read my Introduction To OOP articles.
1) I want to create a Database as oDbf and pass oDbf much like we do with Ado .. oRs
Simple: oCustomers:= TCustomers():new()
Requires that you build a TCustomers class first. You can pass the object. You can also have objects within objects.
Note that above I am using "Customers" (plural). This is a table of customers (database). You can also create a oCustomer object for a single customer, then you can edit and save it, print it, pass it to another object or function. Etc.
2) How do I set a filter ? .. are the oDbf:Filters as fast as with ADO ? oDbf:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'" ?
Filters are very slow with large databases. I mostly use scopes.
3) How to I extract a oDBf field Value ? oDBf:Fields("Whatever"):Value ??
msgInfo(oCustomers:Company) // from a database object for the current record
msgInfo(oCustomer:Company) // from a single customer object
4) How to I create and use index's .. Like .cdx ( tags )
The same way you always do.
5) Reference oDbf in xBrowse() ?
I am not sure what you mean.
Another point I would like to make is that you move functions (that are typically scattered all over) into the object that they are relevant to. Examples:
? oCustomer:DaysOverDue()
It takes awhile to grasp OOP, but it is a hundred times more powerful and simpler to code once you get the hang of it. I have taken old code and reduced the number of lines by more than 50% using OOP. I could go on and on and on...
Oh, and you never have to deal with workareas again!
Tim Stone is using OOP with ADO so he may jump in with some relevant comments.
Go here and read my Introduction To OOP articles.
1) I want to create a Database as oDbf and pass oDbf much like we do with Ado .. oRs
Simple: oCustomers:= TCustomers():new()
Requires that you build a TCustomers class first. You can pass the object. You can also have objects within objects.
Note that above I am using "Customers" (plural). This is a table of customers (database). You can also create a oCustomer object for a single customer, then you can edit and save it, print it, pass it to another object or function. Etc.
2) How do I set a filter ? .. are the oDbf:Filters as fast as with ADO ? oDbf:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'" ?
Filters are very slow with large databases. I mostly use scopes.
3) How to I extract a oDBf field Value ? oDBf:Fields("Whatever"):Value ??
msgInfo(oCustomers:Company) // from a database object for the current record
msgInfo(oCustomer:Company) // from a single customer object
4) How to I create and use index's .. Like .cdx ( tags )
The same way you always do.
5) Reference oDbf in xBrowse() ?
I am not sure what you mean.
Another point I would like to make is that you move functions (that are typically scattered all over) into the object that they are relevant to. Examples:
? oCustomer:DaysOverDue()
It takes awhile to grasp OOP, but it is a hundred times more powerful and simpler to code once you get the hang of it. I have taken old code and reduced the number of lines by more than 50% using OOP. I could go on and on and on...
Oh, and you never have to deal with workareas again!
Tim Stone is using OOP with ADO so he may jump in with some relevant comments.
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
- Rick Lipkin
- Posts: 2675
- Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:50 pm
- Location: Columbia, South Carolina USA
Re: TDatabase Class
I have been able to use the sample dbf01.prg ... I have created my table traditionally and my index traditionally .. this so far works
James .. see the line above with all the question marks .. as the user types the value gets larger .. like an incremental search .. Appreciate your help!
Rick Lipkin
Follow up ... trying the code above .. I get this error
Path and name: C:\Fox\DOI\DoiBillEnc\Billw32.Exe (32 bits)
Size: 6,264,320 bytes
Compiler version: xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20201015)
FiveWin version: FWH 20.06
C compiler version: Borland/Embarcadero C++ 7.4 (32-bit)
Windows version: 6.2, Build 9200
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 31 secs
Error occurred at: 05/19/2021, 11:40:03
Error description: Error DBCMD/2001 Workarea not in use: ORDSCOPE
Stack Calls
Called from: => ORDSCOPE( 0 )
Called from: CUSTVIEW.PRG => _ISEARCH( 709 )
Called from: CUSTVIEW.PRG => (b)_CUSTVIEW( 307 )
Called from: .\source\classes\TGET.PRG => TGET:KEYCHAR( 2215 )
Called from: => TWINDOW:HANDLEEVENT( 0 )
Called from: .\source\classes\CONTROL.PRG => TCONTROL:HANDLEEVENT( 1827 )
Called from: .\source\classes\TGET.PRG => TGET:HANDLEEVENT( 1221 )
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH( 3559 )
Called from: => WINRUN( 0 )
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:ACTIVATE( 1097 )
Called from: MAIN.PRG => MAIN( 370 )
I have been able to use the sample dbf01.prg ... I have created my table traditionally and my index traditionally .. this so far works
Code: Select all | Expand
IF .not. FILE( xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf+".DBF" )
DBF_STRU := { }
AADD( DBF_STRU, { "CustID", "C", 15, 0 } )
AADD( DBF_STRU, { "SceisId", "C", 21, 0 } )
AADD( DBF_STRU, { "CustName", "C", 50, 0 } )
AADD( DBF_STRU, { "CustAdd1", "C", 50, 0 } )
AADD( DBF_STRU, { "CustCity", "C", 35, 0 } )
AADD( DBF_STRU, { "CustState", "C", 2, 0 } )
AADD( DBF_STRU, { "CustZip", "C", 30, 0 } )
AADD( DBF_STRU, { "CustPh", "C", 15, 0 } )
AADD( DBF_STRU, { "CustCont", "C", 36, 0 } )
AADD( DBF_STRU, { "CustMail", "C", 50, 0 } )
Saying := "Sorry .. Error Creating"+chr(10)
Saying += xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CUSTDBF+".DBF"+chr(10)
Saying += "Please seek your Administrator"+chr(10)
MsgInfo( Saying )
FERASE( xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf+".DBF")
End Try
IF NETUSE( xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf+".DBF", .T.,5)
Index on CustName TAG CustName
Set Order to Tag CustName
FERASE( xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf+".DBF")
Select 9
xBrowse( oDbf ) // this works and I can pass oDbf to various other functions .. my next step is to simulate an incremental search ..
//---------------------------------------- incramental code
REDEFINE GET oName var cName ID 130 of oGrps ;
When nRad = 1 ;
ON CHANGE ( _Isearch( oName, cName, oCid, cCid, oSid, cSid, oLbx, oDbf )) UPDATE // , oRsCust )) UPDATE
REDEFINE GET oCid var cCid ID 131 of oGrps ;
When nRad = 1 ;
ON CHANGE ( _Isearch( oName, cName, oCid, cCid, oSid, cSid, oLbx, oDBf )) UPDATE //, oRsCust )) UPDATE
REDEFINE GET oSId var cSId ID 118 of oGrps ;
When nRad = 1 ;
ON CHANGE ( _Isearch( oName, cName, oCid, cCid, oSId, cSId, oLbx, oDBf )) UPDATE //, oRsCust )) UPDATE
REDEFINE GET oInv var cInv ID 140 of oGrps ;
When nRad = 2 ;
ON CHANGE ( _Isearch1( oInv,cInv,oLbxB,oRsInv,oRsCust,nRad,oLbx,oDbf )) UPDATE
Static Func _Isearch( oLname1, cLname1, oCid1, cCid1, oSceis1, cSceis1, oLbx, oDbf ) //, oRsCust )
cLname1 := alltrim( oLName1:GetText() )
cCid1 := alltrim( oCid1:GetText() )
cSceis1 := alltrim( oSceis1:GetText() )
msginfo( cLname1 )
Do Case
Case (Empty( cLName1 ) .and. Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1) )
Set Scope To ( 'bogus' ) // resets browse
* oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] = 'bogus'"
Case !empty( cLname1 ) .and. Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1 )
Set Scope to ( cLname1 ) // attempting this ??????????????????????????????????????????????? line 709
* oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'"
// ------ old ado code
Case (!empty( cLname1 ) .and. !Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1 ))
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%' and [CustomerId] like '"+cCid1+"%'"
Case empty( cLname1 ) .and. !Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1 )
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerId] like '"+cCid1+"%'"
Case ( Empty( cLName1 ) .and. Empty( cCid1 ) .and. !Empty( cSceis1) )
oRsCust:Filter := "[SceisId] like '"+cSceis1+"%'"
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] = 'bogus'"
End Case
James .. see the line above with all the question marks .. as the user types the value gets larger .. like an incremental search .. Appreciate your help!
Rick Lipkin
Follow up ... trying the code above .. I get this error
Path and name: C:\Fox\DOI\DoiBillEnc\Billw32.Exe (32 bits)
Size: 6,264,320 bytes
Compiler version: xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20201015)
FiveWin version: FWH 20.06
C compiler version: Borland/Embarcadero C++ 7.4 (32-bit)
Windows version: 6.2, Build 9200
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 31 secs
Error occurred at: 05/19/2021, 11:40:03
Error description: Error DBCMD/2001 Workarea not in use: ORDSCOPE
Stack Calls
Called from: => ORDSCOPE( 0 )
Called from: CUSTVIEW.PRG => _ISEARCH( 709 )
Called from: CUSTVIEW.PRG => (b)_CUSTVIEW( 307 )
Called from: .\source\classes\TGET.PRG => TGET:KEYCHAR( 2215 )
Called from: => TWINDOW:HANDLEEVENT( 0 )
Called from: .\source\classes\CONTROL.PRG => TCONTROL:HANDLEEVENT( 1827 )
Called from: .\source\classes\TGET.PRG => TGET:HANDLEEVENT( 1221 )
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH( 3559 )
Called from: => WINRUN( 0 )
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:ACTIVATE( 1097 )
Called from: MAIN.PRG => MAIN( 370 )
- James Bott
- Posts: 4840
- Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:52 pm
- Location: San Diego, California, USA
- Contact:
Re: TDatabase Class
Well, I have no experience with ADO, but I thought it was language compatible with FWin. Your code makes me think it is not.
After these lines in your code:
Select 9
I am not sure what oDBF is in the above case. I don't know if it is being made by Fivewin or ADO? If it is made by ADO is there some documentation?
Can you try:
msgInfo(oDbf:fieldname ) // where fieldname is an actual fieldname.
Does that work?
Also try:
Note that TDatabase creates it's own unique workareas which is not going to be 9 in this case. With database objects you never deal with workareas. Your error message:
Error description: Error DBCMD/2001 Workarea not in use: ORDSCOPE
leads me to believe that the workarea is the issue.
Well, I have no experience with ADO, but I thought it was language compatible with FWin. Your code makes me think it is not.
After these lines in your code:
Select 9
I am not sure what oDBF is in the above case. I don't know if it is being made by Fivewin or ADO? If it is made by ADO is there some documentation?
Can you try:
msgInfo(oDbf:fieldname ) // where fieldname is an actual fieldname.
Does that work?
Also try:
Note that TDatabase creates it's own unique workareas which is not going to be 9 in this case. With database objects you never deal with workareas. Your error message:
Error description: Error DBCMD/2001 Workarea not in use: ORDSCOPE
leads me to believe that the workarea is the issue.
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
- Rick Lipkin
- Posts: 2675
- Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:50 pm
- Location: Columbia, South Carolina USA
Re: TDatabase Class
IF NETUSE( xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf+".DBF", .T.,5)
Index on CustName TAG CustName
Set Order to Tag CustName
FERASE( xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf+".DBF")
Select 9
James ... I saw this code on opening a database .. I figured the statement DATABASE oDbf created the database object .. which it appears to do .. I pass oDBf to multiple modules and the table and data is there ..
Where I am getting hung up is to create a incremental search of oDbf ..
With ADO and SQl there is a LIKE statement .. so this statement works as you start typing a field value
cLname1 := alltrim( oLName1:GetText() ) // this starts building a value one charactor at a time.
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'"
This is what I want to achieve with tDatabase .. since there is no LIKE command I was hoping to use OrdScope to build my incremental list .. don't think orderscope works either
Need help ... this is a very big contract and I am ( due to the Colonial Pipeline ransom ) encrypting all the user data .. and moving the application from MS Access to Ms Sql Server .. Access and Sql server are both coded the same .. however .. the CUstomer Table is totally encrypted to I have to create a temp dbf table with the de-encrypted data and the ADO and tDatabase classes are not compatable so far as I can see...
I need a way to use a unencryptd .dbf database and be able to traverse a company's name just like I did using ADO as you see above .. surely there is a way I can start typing in a field and someone come up with an incremental search on oDbf one key at a time ...
I can use anyone's help !!
Rick Lipkin
IF NETUSE( xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf+".DBF", .T.,5)
Index on CustName TAG CustName
Set Order to Tag CustName
FERASE( xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf+".DBF")
Select 9
James ... I saw this code on opening a database .. I figured the statement DATABASE oDbf created the database object .. which it appears to do .. I pass oDBf to multiple modules and the table and data is there ..
Where I am getting hung up is to create a incremental search of oDbf ..
With ADO and SQl there is a LIKE statement .. so this statement works as you start typing a field value
cLname1 := alltrim( oLName1:GetText() ) // this starts building a value one charactor at a time.
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'"
This is what I want to achieve with tDatabase .. since there is no LIKE command I was hoping to use OrdScope to build my incremental list .. don't think orderscope works either

Need help ... this is a very big contract and I am ( due to the Colonial Pipeline ransom ) encrypting all the user data .. and moving the application from MS Access to Ms Sql Server .. Access and Sql server are both coded the same .. however .. the CUstomer Table is totally encrypted to I have to create a temp dbf table with the de-encrypted data and the ADO and tDatabase classes are not compatable so far as I can see...
I need a way to use a unencryptd .dbf database and be able to traverse a company's name just like I did using ADO as you see above .. surely there is a way I can start typing in a field and someone come up with an incremental search on oDbf one key at a time ...
I can use anyone's help !!
Rick Lipkin
- Antonio Linares
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Re: TDatabase Class
> and moving the application from MS Access to Ms Sql Server
We already did this for a very large US customer and using standard FWH, and it was a great success.
Please wait for Mr. Rao instructions
> and moving the application from MS Access to Ms Sql Server
We already did this for a very large US customer and using standard FWH, and it was a great success.
Please wait for Mr. Rao instructions
- James Bott
- Posts: 4840
- Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:52 pm
- Location: San Diego, California, USA
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Re: TDatabase Class
OK, the last two lines look like standard Fivewn database code. This will give you a database but nothing more. I would like to build a database object that you can instsantiate in one line like this:
This way you can add methods (which are now functions) to the database object. Possibly you could also decrypt and encrypt the data with the Load() and Save() methods.
So try this:
oCustomers:= TDatabase(, xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf.DBF")
msgInfo(oCustomers:XXX) // where XXX is a valid fieldname
Let me know what you find.
I am not worried about the incremental search--I'm sure we can figure that out. I may even have an example in my archives.
Code: Select all | Expand
IF NETUSE( xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf+".DBF", .T.,5)
Index on CustName TAG CustName
Set Order to Tag CustName
FERASE( xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf+".DBF")
Select 9
OK, the last two lines look like standard Fivewn database code. This will give you a database but nothing more. I would like to build a database object that you can instsantiate in one line like this:
This way you can add methods (which are now functions) to the database object. Possibly you could also decrypt and encrypt the data with the Load() and Save() methods.
So try this:
oCustomers:= TDatabase(, xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf.DBF")
msgInfo(oCustomers:XXX) // where XXX is a valid fieldname
Let me know what you find.
I am not worried about the incremental search--I'm sure we can figure that out. I may even have an example in my archives.
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
- Rick Lipkin
- Posts: 2675
- Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:50 pm
- Location: Columbia, South Carolina USA
Re: TDatabase Class
James and Antonio
The problem I am running into is duplicating the same functionality of using an incremental search with ADO
Static Func _Isearch( oLname1, cLname1, oCid1, cCid1, oSceis1, cSceis1, oLbx, oDbf ) //, oRsCust )
cLname1 := alltrim( oLName1:GetText() )
cCid1 := alltrim( oCid1:GetText() )
cSceis1 := alltrim( oSceis1:GetText() )
msginfo( cLname1 )
Do Case
Case (Empty( cLName1 ) .and. Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1) )
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] = 'bogus'"
Case !empty( cLname1 ) .and. Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1 )
* oDbf->OrdSetFocus( cLname1 )
* Set Scope to ( cLname1 )
* return ( ::cAlias )->( OrdScope( nScopeType, uValue ) )
* oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'" // this works GREAT using MS Access and Sql Server ..
What I have done is de-encrypted the entire Sql Customer table to a Temp database ( oDbf or Select 9 ) .. I need the same incremental functionality to incrementally search oDBf
Rick Lipkin
The problem I am running into is duplicating the same functionality of using an incremental search with ADO
Static Func _Isearch( oLname1, cLname1, oCid1, cCid1, oSceis1, cSceis1, oLbx, oDbf ) //, oRsCust )
cLname1 := alltrim( oLName1:GetText() )
cCid1 := alltrim( oCid1:GetText() )
cSceis1 := alltrim( oSceis1:GetText() )
msginfo( cLname1 )
Do Case
Case (Empty( cLName1 ) .and. Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1) )
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] = 'bogus'"
Case !empty( cLname1 ) .and. Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1 )
* oDbf->OrdSetFocus( cLname1 )
* Set Scope to ( cLname1 )
* return ( ::cAlias )->( OrdScope( nScopeType, uValue ) )
* oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'" // this works GREAT using MS Access and Sql Server ..
What I have done is de-encrypted the entire Sql Customer table to a Temp database ( oDbf or Select 9 ) .. I need the same incremental functionality to incrementally search oDBf
Rick Lipkin
- James Bott
- Posts: 4840
- Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:52 pm
- Location: San Diego, California, USA
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Re: TDatabase Class
Are you using field objects?
And I would really like to know if this works for you:
These answers will really help me answer your question about incremental seaching. I am certain we can solve that but I need to understand your syntax to be able to do so.
Also, are you passing both the field object and the data, then calculating the data also? If so, why?
And why do you put the number "1" at the end of every fieldname?
Are you using field objects?
And I would really like to know if this works for you:
Code: Select all | Expand
oCustomers:= TDatabase():New(, xVol+"\DBTMP\"+CustDbf.DBF")
msgInfo(oCustomers:XXX) // where XXX is a valid fieldname
These answers will really help me answer your question about incremental seaching. I am certain we can solve that but I need to understand your syntax to be able to do so.
Code: Select all | Expand
Static Func _Isearch( oLname1, cLname1, oCid1, cCid1, oSceis1, cSceis1, oLbx, oDbf )
Also, are you passing both the field object and the data, then calculating the data also? If so, why?
And why do you put the number "1" at the end of every fieldname?
Last edited by James Bott on Wed May 19, 2021 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
- Rick Lipkin
- Posts: 2675
- Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:50 pm
- Location: Columbia, South Carolina USA
Re: TDatabase Class
James ... here is the current application

oLname 1 is the object on the left side or the Client name entry field .. iSearch
The trick is evaluating
cLname1 := alltrim( oLName1:GetText() )
As you type in the Name field .. the On Change clause calls iSearch() .. and the GetText() traps the key strokes ... then based on Case 2
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'"
The above filter condition simulates and incremental search and the key to that search is the Sql like '"+cLname1+"%'" statement.
Hope that makes sense ... I want to do something to simulate incremental search with TDatabase since it is object based ... and there is no 'like' or 'filter' in traditional DbfCdx .. but there is
(::cAlias )->(OrdsetFocus("Fetcha")) .. the use of OrdScope ?? in tDatabase ..
Appreciate your help!!
Rick Lipkin

oLname 1 is the object on the left side or the Client name entry field .. iSearch
Code: Select all | Expand
REDEFINE GET oName var cName ID 130 of oGrps ;
When nRad = 1 ;
ON CHANGE ( _Isearch( oName, cName, oCid, cCid, oSid, cSid, oLbx, oRsCust )) UPDATE
REDEFINE GET oCid var cCid ID 131 of oGrps ;
When nRad = 1 ;
ON CHANGE ( _Isearch( oName, cName, oCid, cCid, oSid, cSid, oLbx, oRsCust )) UPDATE
REDEFINE GET oSId var cSId ID 118 of oGrps ;
When nRad = 1 ;
ON CHANGE ( _Isearch( oName, cName, oCid, cCid, oSId, cSId, oLbx, oRsCust )) UPDATE
REDEFINE GET oInv var cInv ID 140 of oGrps ;
When nRad = 2 ;
ON CHANGE ( _Isearch1( oInv,cInv,oLbxB,oRsInv,oRsCust,nRad,oLbx )) UPDATE
Static Func _Isearch( oLname1, cLname1, oCid1, cCid1, oSceis1, cSceis1, oLbx, oRsCust )
cLname1 := alltrim( oLName1:GetText() )
cCid1 := alltrim( oCid1:GetText() )
cSceis1 := alltrim( oSceis1:GetText() )
Do Case
Case (Empty( cLName1 ) .and. Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1) )
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] = 'bogus'"
Case !empty( cLname1 ) .and. Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1 ) // here
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'"
Case (!empty( cLname1 ) .and. !Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1 ))
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%' and [CustomerId] like '"+cCid1+"%'"
Case empty( cLname1 ) .and. !Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1 )
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerId] like '"+cCid1+"%'"
Case ( Empty( cLName1 ) .and. Empty( cCid1 ) .and. !Empty( cSceis1) )
oRsCust:Filter := "[SceisId] like '"+cSceis1+"%'"
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] = 'bogus'"
End Case
The trick is evaluating
cLname1 := alltrim( oLName1:GetText() )
As you type in the Name field .. the On Change clause calls iSearch() .. and the GetText() traps the key strokes ... then based on Case 2
oRsCust:Filter := "[CustomerName] like '"+cLname1+"%'"
The above filter condition simulates and incremental search and the key to that search is the Sql like '"+cLname1+"%'" statement.
Hope that makes sense ... I want to do something to simulate incremental search with TDatabase since it is object based ... and there is no 'like' or 'filter' in traditional DbfCdx .. but there is
(::cAlias )->(OrdsetFocus("Fetcha")) .. the use of OrdScope ?? in tDatabase ..
Appreciate your help!!
Rick Lipkin
- James Bott
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Re: TDatabase Class
Yes I get that you want to do an incremental search, however you still haven't answered a single question that I have asked. And without any answers there isn't anything more I can do.
Yes I get that you want to do an incremental search, however you still haven't answered a single question that I have asked. And without any answers there isn't anything more I can do.
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
- James Bott
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Re: TDatabase Class
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(::cAlias )->(OrdsetFocus("Fetcha")) .. the use of OrdScope ?? in tDatabase ..
Yes, there is the method OrdScope(uTop, uBottom) in TDatabase.
Use the same value for both uTop and uBottom to limit the filter to a single value. You will need to index on upper(cValue) for the index and use alltrim(upper(cValue)) for both the top and bottom scopes.
You could also subclass TDatabase to create a new method OrdSetFocus() that works like you want but using OrdScope() to accomplish this.
Note that you don't need to use any aliases or workareas with database objects. That is all handled automatically by the object.
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
- James Bott
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Re: TDatabase Class
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Case !empty( cLname1 ) .and. Empty( cCid1 ) .and. Empty( cSceis1 )
Set Scope to ( cLname1 ) // attempting this ??????????????????????????????????????????????? line 709
You would do this with:
oCustomers:setScope( alltrim(upper(cLname1)), alltrim(upper(cLname1 )) )
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10